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Despite the cannabis industry’s explosive growth, many financial institutions have been hesitant to transact with cannabis-related businesses given the ambiguity created by divergent state and federal cannabis laws. The SAFE Banking Act seeks to remove these ambiguities at the federal level and pave the way for more financial institutions to serve the cannabis industry ...

Private equity investors in nursing homes should brace and prepare for an active near-term enforcement environment. Congressional skepticism of private equity involvement in healthcare, developments in False Claims Act cases and Department of Justice priorities all point towards increasing scrutiny of private equity investment in skilled nursing facilities ...

With employers reopening fully and employees returning to the workplace from the pandemic, there has been a steady flow of challenges -- both legal filings and political and public opposition -- by individuals opposing mandatory requirements from employers and institutions to be vaccinated in order to return to work or school, subject to certain legal requirements under the ADA and valid religious objections ...

Listen to the podcast: About the episode: This season of Matters expounds on the concepts outlined in Jack Newton’s book, The Client-Centered Law Firm. In this episode, our hosts welcome a legal consultant and blogger, the president of a bar association, and a practicing Big Law attorney to discuss the major impact that a shift towards client-centered lawyering is having across the legal industry ...

Renewable energy is more popular than ever before. Regulators and ratepayers are demanding new or higher renewable portfolio standards, and investors are eager for opportunities with companies satisfying environmental, social and governance criteria. The energy transition is here, and the question is no longer if we will electrify, but how quickly. Significant challenges remain. As the U.S ...

When negotiating a complex change order or preparing to litigate a claim, calculating actual recoverable costs incurred can be a difficult exercise. You will want to first review your contract to determine what kinds of costs are compensable. For example, the change order provision of your contract may provide a specific markup that can be included in a change request or limit the recovery of indirect costs and overhead associated with a change ...

Co-hosted by the Texas Solar Power Association  Developing EPC Contracts involves many different stakeholders from investors, developers, contractors, and equipment suppliers. Allocating risk to the party that is in the best position to manage and control the risk is important to keep costs contained. Factors such as technology, cost constraints, schedule, stakeholders, safety, and performance are just some of the major issues that affect risk allocation ...

COVID-19 came upon us all like a tsunami, leveling life as we knew it and causing an entirely new paradigm of behavior to be necessary. No segment of the population was hit harder than seniors, both in our communities and in senior care facilities. Long-term care facilities were on the frontlines of the battle, being one of the first industries to be required to wholly alter traditional behaviors to try to stop the inevitable spread of this deadly virus ...

Chapter 53 of the Texas Property Code just received major updates for the first time in years. On June 15, 2021, Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law HB 2237. This bill makes many notable changes to Texas’s lien laws. The construction industry and construction lawyers should take note of these changes to the complex and often confusing world of mechanic’s, contractor’s, and materialman’s liens in Texas ...

Lawyers prosecuting COVID-19 claims should keep the law’s potential speedbumps in mind as they drive their cases. This article briefly describes what both sides of the bar should consider—and look for moving forward—when navigating COVID-19 cases in Florida. Florida recently codified significant protections for individuals, businesses and other organizations facing COVID-19-related lawsuits ...

Over the past ten or so years, imaginative plaintiffs have pressed “climate change cases” in federal and state courts across the United States. In these cases, plaintiffs (most commonly states, municipalities, or environmentalists) sue defendants (often energy companies, states, or municipalities themselves) seeking damages related to climate change. While these cases have proliferated across the country, Florida saw very few in the early going ...

On June 28, 2021, the CFPB issued a long-awaited set of final rules outlining a number of new COVID-19 mortgage servicing requirements and protections. As expected, the CFPB’s recent release includes, among other things, a COVID-19 foreclosure moratorium, additional COVID-19-related early intervention live contact and reasonable diligence requirements, and relief from the CFPB’s anti-evasion requirements for certain COVID-19 loan modifications ...

A just-passed piece of legislation crafted to bolster countercrime defenses and crack open beneficial ownership bastions, a historical haven for criminals of all stripes, has lesser-known tethers for certain segments of the investment sector – a critical pitfall that should not be lost on compliance teams.   In May 2020, a leaked investigation bulletin prepared by the U.S ...

The Government Accountability Office (GAO), in Spartan Medical, Inc., B-419503, recently clarified the scope of its jurisdiction over bid protests involving an agency's use of its other transaction agreement (OTA) authority. The GAO's decision in this case is noteworthy because agencies are increasingly relying on OTAs to meet their procurement needs ...

Do you trust your employees about their vaccination status, or do you need to see proof? Since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) new mask guidance came out last week, many employers have been wrestling with the question of how best to determine the COVID-19 vaccination status of their employees ...

In Notice 2021-31, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provides broad guidance in a question-and-answer format on the application of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) regarding premium assistance under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) continuation coverage provisions ...

The EEOC updated its very clearly titled, “What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws,” last week to provide some much needed guidance on COVID-19 vaccine issues. While the EEOC’s guidance is helpful, not surprisingly, it leaves open some questions. Section K of the guidance addresses vaccines, so the references below are to the specific questions and answers in that section. Employers can mandate vaccines ...

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently issued a new rule modernizing the “Stark Law” regulations. The rule aims to advance value-based care and ease the regulatory burden on physicians. Most of the reforms are effective January 2021; however, the rule includes important changes to how physician group practices may share profits that take effect next year ...

COVID-19 cases are down and vaccinations are up, but 2021’s developments continue at a fast and furious pace. With a new administration in place, new legislation taking effect, and the ever-changing considerations of a pandemic-era workplace, employers may find their heads spinning with where to focus and how to build priorities. Below are some of the top areas that are requiring additional thought and focus these days.  1 ...

Florida has joined a growing wave of states offering individuals, businesses and other organizations significant protections against Covid-19-related legal claims. But how does Florida’s new law — “Civil Liability for Damages Relating to Covid-19” (codified at section 768.38, Florida Statutes) — work? And what do businesses need to know — and do — now?  The law’s practical effect Begin with the law’s practical effect ...

Listen to the podcast:                                                                                                                                      

A proof of claim is a written statement setting out a creditor's claim and asserting its right to receive a distribution from the bankruptcy estate. It must "conform substantially" to Official Bankruptcy Form B410 (Fed. R. Bankr. P. 3001(a)). The purpose of a proof of claim is to give notice of the claim to the court, the debtor, the trustee, and other creditors. A properly prepared proof of claim is prima facie evidence of the validity and amount of the claim ( View More

On March 29, in a development that provides some measure of relief to businesses operating in West Virginia, particularly within the financial services industry, Gov. Jim Justice signed into law amendments to the West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act, or WVCCPA ...

On March 29, in a development that provides some measure of relief to businesses operating in West Virginia, particularly within the financial services industry, Gov. Jim Justice signed into law amendments to the West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act, or WVCCPA ...

The COVID-19 Pandemic has wreaked havoc on the mortgage servicing industry, putting significant strain on both mortgage servicers and their borrowers ...