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Carey Olsen | April 2023

Contents Legal and Enforcement Frameworks Blockchain Market Cryptocurrencies Smart Contracts Data and Privacy Cybersecurity Intellectual Property Trends and Predictions Tips and Traps Legal and Enforcement Framework   What general regulatory regimes and issues should blockchain developers consider when building the governance framework for the operation of blockchain/distributed ledger technology protocols? Fintech legislation and guidance notes: The British Virgin Island

Carey Olsen | April 2023

Contents Legal and Enforcement Framework Blockchain Markets Cryptocurrencies Smart Contracts Data and Privacy Cybersecurity Intellectual Property Trends and Predictions Tips and Traps   Legal and Enforcement Framework What general regulatory regimes and issues should blockchain developers consider when building the governance framework for the operation of blockchain/distributed ledger technology protocols? Bermuda has a digital asset sector specific legal and regulatory re

Carey Olsen | April 2023

Contents Please click on the links below to jump to the relevant section: Overview FAQ 1: Are SPV trustees in scope? FAQ 2: What about SPVs that aren’t trustees? Do you need to have a “customer” or “third party” to be in scope? FAQ 3: I do have “customers” or “third parties” ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

In the matter of Ren Ci & Ors (FSD 210 of 2022), the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands granted a stay of proceedings in favour of a HKIAC arbitration pursuant to section 4 of the Foreign Arbitral Awards Enforcement Act ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

Employer obligations From the date the Order takes effect, all employers will need to ensure they are paying at least the minimum wage and that their contracts and/or Statements of Employment are updated where necessary to ensure that they are compliant. Note that only 'employees' are entitled to the minimum wage, not self-employed contractors ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

The Limited Partnerships (Jersey) Law 1994 (the “Law”) governs Jersey limited partnerships. A limited partnership seeks to combine the flexibility and “tax transparency” offered by a partnership structure with the benefits, for limited partners, of limited liability offered by a company ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

Approval process  The Jersey Financial Services Commission (“JFSC”) does not need to review the fund structure, documentation or the promoter. Instead the fund administrator certifies to the JFSC that the fund complies with the EF Guide and once the certification and the fund’s offer document are filed the JFSC aims for a 3 day turnaround on the application for approval ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

The development of Bermuda's insurance regime is a result of prevailing market conditions and considerations. Recent enhancements to Bermuda's insurance regime have focused on commercial insurers (particularly in the life sector) and this trend looks to continue through and beyond 2023. That said, the BMA recently updated the Insurance Code of Conduct (the Code) in September 2022 ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

Approval process  Listed Funds are established on certification by the fund administrator that the fund complies with the criteria set out in the LF Guide. The Jersey Financial Services Commission (“JFSC”) issues the relevant certificate on receipt of the certification and the fund’s offer document. As a result, a Listed Fund can be established in Jersey within 3 days ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

Limited partnerships  Limited partnerships (“LPs”) are now the favoured vehicles for closed-ended private equity funds and can be established in three ways:  “Traditional” Jersey LPs (“JLPs”), which are similar to English LPs, are established under the Limited Partnerships (Jersey) Law 1994 ...

Carey Olsen | March 2023

Contents Introduction of US style LLCs to Jersey Proceeds of Crime Law changes, including AMLSPs HMRC guidance on the registration of JPUTs Update on arranging as an additional limb of investment business Introduction of US style LLCs to Jersey In September 2022 Jersey enacted legislation which permits the formation of US-style limited liability companies or LLCs in Jersey ...

Carey Olsen | March 2023

Contents The Lending, Credit and Finance (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2022 Updates to Natural Capital Fund framework HMRC guidance on the registration of GPUTs Changes to Guernsey’s insolvency regime Consultation on “six directorship” exemption for directors The Lending, Credit and Finance (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2022 The Lending, Credit and Finance (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2022 (the “LCF Law”) came into partial force on 1 January 2023 and will c

Carey Olsen | March 2023

Carey Olsen’s Singapore team has considered the first reported British Virgin Islands (BVI) case on the court’s jurisdiction to determine a just and equitable winding-up application when faced with an arbitration agreement between parties. The authors also examine the trend in the Cayman Islands and in Hong Kong on this issue ...

Carey Olsen | March 2023

But what are the reasons for this? And what are the advantages of establishing a fund in Guernsey when compared to other jurisdictions?   As the leading legal adviser to Guernsey’s investment funds sector by both number of funds advised and by assets, we believe that the following reasons help to explain Guernsey’s success and provide strong arguments for choosing Guernsey ...

Carey Olsen | March 2023

Guernsey is a Crown Dependency. The Bailiwick of Guernsey (Guernsey, together with Herm, Sark, Alderney and the surrounding islets) is part of the British Isles but independent of the UK. It is neither a member nor an associate member of the European Union (the “EU”) and as such is classified das a third- country. Guernsey is therefore not required to comply with EU directives such as the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (the “AIFMD”) ...

Carey Olsen | March 2023

Contents Introduction Bermuda British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands Guernsey Jersey Conclusion Introduction Carey Olsen, recently ranked in the FinTech sector by Chambers & Partners across each of its Bermuda, British Virgin Islands (BVI), Cayman Islands and Jersey offices (with a number of notable practitioners), continues to be a leader in the Fintech and digital/virtual asset sector, advising clients on the most novel and innovative crypto and blockchain projects ...

Carey Olsen | March 2023

Jersey offers a range of fund types and structures to suit the needs of sophisticated sponsors and investors including Jersey Private Funds, Notification Only Funds (also known as Eligible Investor Funds) and Collective Investment Funds (CIFs), such as Jersey Expert Funds and Jersey Listed Funds ...

Carey Olsen | February 2023

This has been driven by a rise in flexible working arrangements and the so-called 'gig economy' as well as by employers seeking creative ways to reduce costs in a restrained economic environment. With this in mind, the Employment Act 2000 was amended in 2021 to allow the Ministry of Economy and Labour to publish guidance to assist in determining whether a person is an employee or an independent contractor ...

Carey Olsen | February 2023

The registered fund regime offers a significantly faster approval process than that of authorised funds (other than QIFs): three days for RCIS Funds and one day for PIFs, relying in each case upon increased due diligence obligations on the part of the fund’s administrator ...

Carey Olsen | February 2023

1. The legislative regime In conjunction with the VASP Act, the FSC also published Guidance on the Application for Registration of a Virtual Assets Service Provider (the “VASP Registration Guidance”) (available to view here), and the Virtual Assets Service Providers Guide to the Prevention of Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Proliferation Financing (available to view here) ...

Carey Olsen | February 2023

Guernsey’s funds industry Guernsey is one of the world’s largest offshore finance centres, with a thriving funds industry. Over 800 investment schemes are currently domiciled in the island. At the end of Q2 2021, there were over 1,400 investment funds and sub-funds under management and administration in Guernsey with a total net asset value of US $533 billion ...

Carey Olsen | February 2023

Introduction In recent times, the Court has been asked to hear cases where a General Partner ("GP") has failed to discharge its duties in relation to the affairs of an ELP. Without the co-operation of the GP, Limited Partners are often left bereft of information relating to assets of the ELP. They cannot properly realize their investments under the ELP and, even if they can, there is a spectre of doubt over whether the distributions represent their full entitlement in the assets of the ELP ...

Carey Olsen | February 2023

This guide provides an overview of the following: The growth of GPUTs GPUT trustees What is a GPUT? Regulation of GPUTs in Guernsey Collective Investment Schemes (Funds)   Introduction As a politically stable and tax neutral jurisdiction with over 40 years accumulated experience as an international finance centre, Guernsey has gained a strong reputation as a prime location in which to establish investment structures of all descriptions including a large number of property funds

Carey Olsen | February 2023

Overview There is no sell-out right in the 2008 Law for minority shareholders to be bought out. However, the constitutional documents of the target Guernsey Company (the “Target Company”) may provide additional rights to minority shareholders.  From 1 July 2009, a provision to appoint a body to regulate takeovers and mergers in Guernsey was introduced to the 2008 Law, under the Companies (Panel on Takeovers and Mergers) Ordinance, 2009 (the “Takeover Panel”) ...

Carey Olsen | February 2023

Companies Companies are incorporated under the provisions of the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 (the “Companies Law”). All companies formed under the Companies Law have a separate legal personality. They are therefore capable of suing, and being sued, in their own names. A board of directors controls the company; however, the investment management function will often be delegated to a management company ...
