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Carey | July 2021

On July 12th, 2021, Law No.21.,360 (hereinafter, the “Law”) was published in the Official Gazette, which adjusts the minimum monthly income, the maternal and familiar assignment, the family allowance and the allowance to reach a guaranteed minimum income ...

Carey | July 2021

On January 24th, 2019, the Executive Power submitted to Congress a bill of law that establishes measures to encourage the protection of consumers' rights -Bulletin No. 12,409-03- (hereinafter, the "Bill"). The Bill is known as the "Pro-Consumer Bill", since it amends Law No. 19,496 Consumer Protection Act ("CPA"), seeking to reinforce the rights of consumers and incorporate new obligations for suppliers ...

Carey | July 2021

Considering the recent amendments on social security matters introduced by law 21,314 -especially those set through its article 4- on June 25, 2021, the Financial Market Commission (“ FMC ”) and the Superintendence of Pensions (“ SP ”) opened a public consultation process on a new regulation, to rule social security financial advisory (the “ Regulatory Proposal ”) ...

Carey | July 2021

On June 17, 2021, Law 21,348 (hereinafter, the " Law ") was published in the Official Gazette, the purpose of which is to legally guide the powers of the President of the Republic (hereinafter, the " President ") regarding the state of constitutional exception of catastrophe due to public calamity, in order to guarantee, in situations of pandemic, health crisis and natural disasters, the access and availability in sufficient quantities of water to the affected population ...

Carey | July 2021

On June 29, 2021, the Central Bank, pursuant to the resolution reached by its Board in the meeting held on June 24, 2021, launched a public consultation on proposed amendments to Chapters III.B.1 and III.D.1 of the Compendium of Financial Regulations (“CFR”) ...

Carey | June 2021

On June 9, 2021, the National Electric Coordinator (“CEN”) opened a public consultation process on  a draft Internal Procedure (the "IP") that will provide the criteria applicable to the Open Access Regime established in Articles 79° and 80° of the General Law of Electric Services ("LGSE"), as a result of the entry into force of the Regulation on Transmission Systems and Transmission Planning (the "Regulation") ...

Carey | June 2021

On June 17, 2021, the Law No. 21,353 was published, which contemplates the following new tax measures to support micro, small and medium-sized companies in the context of the crisis generated by Covid-19: Temporary reduction of the penal interest rate for SMEs from 1.5% to 0%, for each month or fraction of a month, in case of default in the payment of all or part of any kind of taxes and contributions due ...

Carey | June 2021

On June 10, 2021, the National Congress approved the bill that establishes new tax measures to support micro, small and medium-sized companies in the context of the crisis generated by Covid-19. The bill, which is awaiting the final formalities of enactment and publication, includes the following tax measures: Temporary reduction of the penal interest rate for SMEs from 1 ...

Carey | June 2021

On June 2nd, 2021, Decree No.930 of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter, the “Decree”) was published in the Official Gazette, which extends the enforcement of the benefits established in title I of Law No.21,227 (“Employment Protection Act”) and in Law No.21,263 (that temporarily amends the requirements to access and increases the amounts of the benefits of the unemployment insurance), granting new provisions with charge to the unemployment mutual aid fund ...

Carey | June 2021

On May 28, 2021, Exempt Resolution No. 310, dated April 16, 2021 of the Ministry of the Environment was published in the Official Gazette. By means of such resolution, the Ministry of the Environment initiates the process of drafting the Supreme Decree that will set forth collection and recovery goals and other related obligations for batteries and electrical and electronic devices. Regulated priority products: "Batteries" and "Electrical and Electronic devices" ...

Carey | June 2021

On June 1st, 2021, the Law No. 21,342 (hereinafter, the “Law”) was published in the Official Gazette, establishing protocols for occupational health safety and a mandatory health insurance for safe, gradual return to presential work. The above, in the context of the health alert caused by the Covid-19 disease in Chile ...

Carey | May 2021

Effective March 15th, 2021, the Electronic Remuneration Book (hereinafter "ERB") is available on the Labor Board's platform. The ERB is intended for employers to report, in a standardized and monthly manner, the payment of remunerations made to their employees. The regulation of the new ERB is contained mainly in the Labor Board’s Ruling No ...

Carey | May 2021

On April 30th, 2021, Law No. 21,327 (hereinafter, the "Act ") was published in the Official Gazette. Its purpose is to modernize the Labor Board (the "LB" or the "Service") and itwill become effective as of October 1st, 2021 ...

Carey | May 2021

On April 20, 2021, Law No. 21,320 (the “ Law ”), which amends Law No. 19,496 on Chilean Consumer Protection Act (“ CPA ”) regarding extrajudicial collection proceedings and other consumers' rights was published in the official gazette. The Law, which shall be effective immediately, introduced several amendments to the CPA, regarding new principles that will inform the extrajudicial collection proceedings, new duties and legal limitations to suppliers ...

Carey | May 2021

The Superintendence of the Environment, by means of Exempt Resolution No. 805/2021 (E.R. 805), dated April 8, 2021 and published in the Official Gazette on May 7, 2021, has specified the content of the reports to be submitted by the tire Management Systems. Purpose E.R ...

Carey | May 2021

By means of Resolution No. 375 , dated May 3, 2021, the Ministry of the Environment has instructed a new information request for producers of priority products, in the context of Law No. 20,920 on Waste Management, Extended Producer Responsibility and Recycling Promotion ( "EPR Law") ...

Carey | May 2021

With the purpose of improving the Industrial Property system in Chile, in July 2018, the Government entered a bill that sought to partially modify Law No. 19,039 on Industrial Property and Law No. 20,524, which creates the National Institute of Industrial Property (the “ Project ”). After overcoming several stages, Congress communicated its definitive approval of the Project on April 20 th , 2021 ...

Carey | April 2021

Considering the increasing disuse of the check as payment method, from January 11 to January 29, 2021, the Financial Market Commission (“ FMC ”) kept opened a public consultation process on an amendment to Chapter 2-2 of its Updated Regulations Compendium, to allow banks to offer checkless checking accounts to the general public ...

Carey | April 2021

On April 24, Supreme Decree No. 611 of the Ministry of Finance was published, which authorizes some authorities to extend and establish certain tax measures to mitigate the impact of the health emergency caused by COVID-19 on people and companies ...

Carey | April 2021

On April 13, 2021, Law No. 21,314 was published in the Official Gazette, which, among other matters, set new transparency requirements and reinforce the responsibilities of market agents (the " Law "). Relevant modifications to the current pensions' regulation: Amendments to Decree No. 3,500 (“Pension Funds Act”) ...

Carey | April 2021

On Tuesday, April 13 th of 2021, the above referred law that establishes new requirements for transparency and strengthens the responsibilities of market agents, regulates the social security advice and other matters indicated therein, was published in the Official Gazette (hereinafter, the “ New Law ”). Article 9 ° of the New Law modified Law No ...

Carey | April 2021

The Environmental Assessment Service (" EAS ") is preparing technical documents, as a supplement for the environmental assessment guides, to standardize criteria, background and procedures within the Environmental Impact Assessment System (“ EIAS ”) ...

Carey | April 2021

On Tuesday, April 13 th of 2021, the above referred law that establishes new requirements for transparency and strengthens the responsibilities of market agents, regulates the social security advice and other matters indicated therein, was published in the Official Gazette (hereinafter, the “ New Law ”) ...

Carey | April 2021

On April 13, 2021, Law No. 21,314 (“New Law”) was published in the Official Gazette, which sets forth new transparency requirements and reinforces the responsibilities of market agents, regulates pension counseling and other matters indicated therein. Article 1 of the New Law modifies Law No ...

Carey | April 2021

On April 13, 2021, Law No. 21,314 (“New Law”) was published in the Official Gazette, which sets forth new transparency requirements and reinforces the responsibilities of market agents, regulates pension counseling and other matters indicated therein. Article 6 of the New Law amends Law No. 19,913 (“AML Act”) in the following aspects: New faculties and functions of the UAF ...
