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ALRUD Law Firm | November 2009

We would like to draw your attention to the upcoming valuable updates in Tax legislation. Below we have placed a short overview of the hottest issues already occurred in Russian tax environment and some to be introduced in the nearest future. Respectively, these incentives are proposed either to overcome consequences of the financial crisis, or to realize the next step of the long-term policy of stabilization and modernization of the Russian tax system ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2009

THE CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT, CAN YOU LIVE WITHOUT IT?Patrice André Vaillancourtpavaillancourt@lavery.caYou are advising a client who is selling his business. The parties have already signed a letter of intent that provides for a due diligence review to be conducted in respect of your client’s business ...

Veirano Advogados | December 2009

At this moment, according to the Brazilian Constitution, employees may not work more than 44 hours per week. Also, whenever employees work overtime, the hourly rates are increased by at least 50%. Yet, a Constitutional Amendment Bill is being discussed in Brazilian House of Representatives in order to change such provisions. Bill no ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | December 2009

On 1 September 2009, the long-anticipated Social Security Agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Republic of India (the “SSA”) entered into force.  The SSA was signed in New Delhi on 3 November 2006 and is considered as a landmark agreement as it was the first treaty of its kind to be signed by the Indian authorities.  Therefore it is likely to serve as a benchmark for similar agreements between India and other countries ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | December 2009

In a decision that stands as a cautionary note to trustees of pension and benefit plans, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice has found the Trustees of the Canadian Commercial Workers Industry Pension Plan (the "Plan") guilty of breaching the investment rules applicable to pension plans in Ontario.  1. The Facts in Christophe The Plan’s portfolio is valued at approximately $1 billion ...

Deacons | December 2009

In the case of Leung Ka Lau & Ors v The Hospital Authority [2006] HKEC 399, doctors working in public hospitals successfully claimed compensation in the Court of First Instance for "rest days" and "holidays" for which they had been deprived but lost their claim on compensation for "overtime" worked (Please refer to our newsletter issue 2006.2) ...

Deacons | December 2009

The decision by presiding judge William Stone has overruled the Labour Tribunal decision in January 2009 and allowed the appeal of Cathay Pacific. The Tribunal presiding officer held that line duty and ground duty allowances could be characterized as "daily wages". They were recurrent in nature, calculated on a daily basis and directly related to the number of hours worked ...

Deacons | December 2009

Winning the case against its flight attendants, Cathay Pacific loses against a group of pilots they sacked during a 2001 industrial dispute. The airline, one of Asia's biggest, was ordered to pay damages to each of the 18 pilots whose employment had been terminated by Cathay Pacific ...

Deacons | December 2009

The statutory Minimum Wage Bill (the "Bill") was gazetted on 26 June 2009 and tabled at the Hong Kong Legislative Council on 8 July 2009. The Bill will require every employer to pay employees minimum wage at an hourly rate, however it does not seek to regulate the number of hours that employees spend at work ...

Lavery Lawyers | January 2010

Over the last ten years, Quebec soc iety has frequently been called on to establ ish means for integrating human rights in the workplace, particularly with respect to accommodation matters ...

With the current recessionary climate there has been a significant increase in redundancies and other dismissals.  This has led to an inevitable increase in the use of compromise agreements whereby an employee signs a document agreeing not to bring particular employment or contractual claims in exchange for a financial settlement.Here we look at some of the key issues in considering how termination payments could be structured ...

Makarim & Taira S. | January 2010

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has entered into over 60 agreements on avoidance of double taxation with other countries. These agreements normally state the scope and the parties who are entitled to avoidance of double taxation benefit. In practice, some parties may abuse the avoidance of double taxation by structuring a transaction in a certain way ...

Makarim & Taira S. | January 2010

The fifth anniversary has just passed of the Constitutional Court’s 2004 ruling which declared that Article 158 and certain other articles of the Manpower Law in relation to serious misconduct were against the Indonesian Constitution. Effectively, an employer could not immediately terminate an employee for serious misconduct but had to wait for a court judgment of guilt before initiating termination ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2010

The transfer tax situation for 2010 could hardly be more confusing. A last-ditch effort in the Senate to extend the 2009 rates and exemptions was blocked by Senators who support repeal or higher exemptions and lower rates. Supporters of continuing the 2009 rules ($1 million gift tax exemption, $3 ...

ALRUD Law Firm | January 2010

On January 1, 2010 the Federal law “On amendment the Federal Law “On the employment of the population in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter – the “Law”) came into force. The Law provides for the equal rights to the dismissed citizens, who worked under employment contract with individual entrepreneurs and to those who were dismissed from legal entities ...

ALRUD Law Firm | January 2010

We would like to present you an overview of the most valuable changes in Tax legislation effective since January 1, 2010. Also we would like to point out the recently adopted Decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitrazh Court of the Russian Federation significant from the tax standpoint ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2010

A costly mistake by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has highlighted the importance of careful drafting to ensure access to a software program’s source code. The source code is the line of code in which the software is written, in language intelligible to a suitably trained software developer. Through the use of a compiler, the source code is converted to object code which forms the software program ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | February 2010

In what may be a new opportunity for cybersquatters, the Colombian .CO registry will soon allow for registration of domain names ending in simply .CO. Such domain names may be a prime platform for social networking sites and brand owners. As the registry explains, the acronym .CO can be associated with terms that include company, corporation, commerce, communities, content, connect, communication, collaborate, and consumers ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | February 2010

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is modifying the computer program it uses to calculate Patent Term Adjustment (PTA) in light of the recent decision in Wyeth v. Kappos, No. 2009-1120 (Fed. Cir. Jan. 7, 2010). In Wyeth, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed that the USPTO has been improperly calculating patent term adjustment under 35 U.S.C. § 154(b). The Federal Circuit’s decision will result in additional patent term for many U.S ...

PLMJ | February 2010

In light of the ineffectiveness of tax litigation and the increased mistrust of taxpayers in relation to tax decisions, with the decision-makers very often hiding behind mere decisions of form, it is imperative that we weigh up alternative methods for resolving tax disputes, such as mediation, conciliation, and tax arbitration itself, in order to deal with disputes accumulated and arising out of relations between the State and the taxpayer, thus reversing the fe

MinterEllison | February 2010

Following the recent actions taken by the Australian Taxation Office to freeze the bank accounts of the private equity firm TPG, the Commissioner of Taxation has released two draft Taxation Determinations (TDs): TD 2009/D17 Treaty Shopping - Can Part IVA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 apply to arrangements designed to alter the intended effect of Australia's International Tax Agreements network?; and TD 200

MinterEllison | February 2010

Some unexpected changes have highlighted the introduction of new employee share scheme legislation, which received Royal Assent on 14 December 2009. Companies will need to give the legislation close consideration given the impact it will have on employee equity plans, particularly the drafting of plan rules and offer documents ...

MinterEllison | February 2010

The Australian Taxation Office's unsuccessful attempt to freeze the bank accounts of the private equity firm Texas Pacific Group has highlighted the ATO's new focus on private equity activities in Australia. The attempted freeze followed the stock market float of the Myer Group, as the ATO sought a reported tax bill of $A452 million from TPG ...

MinterEllison | February 2010

The Foreign Investment Review Board (Board), being the Australian government body that examines proposals for foreign investment in Australia, recently announced that the monetary thresholds set for the purposes of compulsory notification to the Board of a proposed acquisition will be revised to: AUD231 million, for private business investment (up from AUD219 million); and AUD1004 million, for US investors under the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement (up from AUD953 million) ...

ALRUD Law Firm | February 2010

The Russian Federation, the Kazakhstan Republic and the Belarus Republic (hereinafter also referred to as the “Member States”) have formed Customs Union in accordance with the Treaty on Creation of Unified Customs Territory and Formation of Customs Union (Dushanbe, October 6, 2007) ...
