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Deacons | January 2006

The Ministry of Finance promulgated the Measures for the Examination and Approval of the Advanced Recovery of Their Investment by Foreign Partners in Chinese-foreign Cooperative Joint Venture Enterprises on 9 June 2005. The Measures, which entered into effect on 1 September 2005, specify the conditions that foreign investors must satisfy to obtain advanced recovery of their investment in a Chinese-foreign cooperative joint venture (“CJV”) ...

Deacons | January 2006

The National Development and Reform Commission promulgated the Provisional Measures for the Administration of Venture Capital Enterprises on 15 November 2005. When they enter into effect on 1 March 2006, the Measures will be the first national statute governing venture capital investment in China ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2006

Purchasing a yacht should be a pleasurable experience given that the craft in question is most likely to be used for the owner’s leisure pursuits. Yachts, however, whether they are second-hand, new, large or small, have one thing in common. They are expensive. However, many purchasers whether they are paying £10,000 or £1,000,000 are sometimes less cautious than perhaps they should be when buying what is in effect a “toy” ...

An amendment to the Law Regulating Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution Concerning Petroleum (the “Law”) was recently passed by the Mexican Congress and published in the Federal Official Gazette on January 12, 2006 ...

On December 28, 2005, the Mexican Ministry of Finance published in the Federal Official Gazette notice of an increase in domestic electricity power supply charges to be implemented during the year 2006. Such increase will not exceed 4% and will be put into effect gradually, month-by-month, throughout the year. As of the end of 2004, Mexico had 24 million domestic power supply consumers ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | March 2006

Thanks to Houston's leading role in energy, the exotic names of former Soviet Republics forming the Commonwealth of Independent States -- entities such as Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan -- are familiar to locals active in oil and gas. They are also well known to Houston law firms that serve energy interests. Serving Russia and the Caspian region, Haynes and Boone LLP opened a Moscow office last year ...

On March 6, 2006, the Ministry of the Economy published the Explanatory Notes for the Tariff Classification of Goods in the Federal Official Gazette, after a delay of over four years from the date of publication of the Federal Law on Import and Export Duties (“FLIED”) on January 18, 2002. These Explanatory Rules should have been published at the same time ...

On March 31, 2006, the Treasury Department published in the Federal Official Gazette the "General Foreign Trade Rules for 2006" (GFTR), intended to help taxpayers in the application of the law. While the GFTR may give taxpayers rights, they may not establish obligations different from those contained in the Mexican Constitution or in laws and regulations ...

There are three possible courses of action in this situation. These are: Derivative action A derivative action is brought under common law by a member on behalf of a company in respect of a wrong done to that company. Remedies awarded are for the benefit of the company. Derivative actions are an option where the company itself could sue and there has been a fraud on the minority, illegality or a failure to approve a matter by the members passing an appropriate resolution ...

PLMJ | April 2006

A distribution franchise agreement allows a producer of goods or services (the “Franchisor”) to transfer to another entity (the “Franchisee”), in return of a fee, the commercialisation of such products under the Franchisor’s trade mark(s) and distinctive signs, in conformity with its uniform business method and upon the provision, by the Franchisor to the Franchisee, of technical know how and regular assistance ...

PLMJ | April 2006

The commercial distribution of goods and services developed with the dynamics between sophisticated global markets, where the European Internal Market is integrated, with traditional markets of a local character or national dimension. The type of contract adopted by the producers or importer companies in order for their products or services to reach, through the commercial intermediaries, the final users – consumers or not – i. e ...

Supreme Decree No. 28701 of May 1st, 2006 (the “SD”), has a legitimate basis that rests on the 2004 binding Referendum by which a majority of the Bolivian population approved the nationalization of hydrocarbons. Also, the SD was created in order to comply with campaign promises made to the various social sectors that ultimately brought the current government to power ...

In 2005, 24 oil and gas sector companies floated on the London Stock Exchange, five of which operated in oil services and the remainder in exploration and production (E&P). A similar number of sector flotations are expected in 2006, despite a slow start to the year. Investor appetite for oil services and E&P flotations remains buoyant against the background of continued positive outlook for oil and gas prices ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | May 2006

There have been fresh developments in the continuing battle between pharmaceutical manufacturers and parallel importers. National and European courts have been attempting to strike a balance between the principle of the free movement of goods within the EU and the legitimate protection of intellectual property rights. The most recent contribution has come from Advocate General Sharpston (AG) in her opinion in the ongoing case of Boehringer and others v Swingward and Dowelhurst (C-348/04) ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | May 2006

Aboriginal rights, title and treaty issues are one of the most significant legal issues currently facing the oil and gas industry in Western Canada. This paper provides an overview of the current legal context respecting aboriginal rights, title and treaty issues in Western Canada and its impact on the oil and gas industry. It also includes some comments on one commonly used means to reduce uncertainty in relation to consultation issues, namely, impact and benefit agreements ...

Dykema | June 2006

On February 28, 2006, Michigan enacted water management legislation giving the State greater control over large quantity water withdrawals. The laws create for the first time a waterextraction permit system and user fees for largescale withdrawals from inland and Great Lakes water sources. They also impose special requirements on water bottlers ...

Dykema | June 2006

Lessons in Using Employee Non-Compete Agreements An increasing number of companies are requiring their employees (new and existing) to sign so-called “non-compete” agreements. Many of these agreements prohibit employees from working for their employer’s competitors for a period of time after the termination of employment. Some are less restrictive—prohibiting former employees from performing certain duties or dealing with the former employer’s customers ...

Dykema | June 2006

This quarterly newsletter summarizes some of the recent administrative actions that will go into effect this year and which will impact funds and their advisers, beginning with the EDGAR requirements that mutual funds and separate account issuers designate new codes for each series and class when making their EDGAR filings ...

Dykema | June 2006

EDGAR Identifiers for Series and Classes Last July, the Securities and Exchange Commission adopted amendments to Regulation S-T to require mutual funds and insurance company separate accounts issuing variable annuity contracts or variable life insurance products to obtain identifiers and electronically identify in their filings made through the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) system to which of their series or classes the filing relates. See Rel. No ...

Deacons | June 2006

China has traditionally restricted foreign investment in the retail and wholesale sectors with the aim of nurturing strong domestic players before their foreign counterparts would be allowed into the country. Since becoming a member of the World Trade Organisation, China has gradually opened up its distribution sector to foreign investment ...

Deacons | June 2006

The Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”), the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the State Administration of Taxation, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange jointly promulgated the Measures for the Administration of Strategic Investment of Foreign Investors in Listed Companies on 31 December 2005 ...

Deacons | June 2006

The Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”) issued the Notice of the Ministry of Commerce on Entrusting Local Authorities with the Examination and Approval of Commercial Enterprises with Foreign Investment on 9 December 2005. The Notice, which became effective on 3 March 2006, is expected to reduce the time required for setting up a commercial enterprise with foreign investment (“commercial FIE”) ...

Deacons | June 2006

The Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”) issued the following notices on 20 January 2006: the Notice on Entrusting the Provincial Level Authorities in Charge of Commerce with the Examination and Approval, and Administration of Non-Vessel Carrier Enterprises with Foreign Investment, the Notice on Entrusting the Provincial Level Authorities in Charge of Commerce with the Examination and Approval, and Administration of Road Transportation Enterprises with Foreign Investment, the Notice on Entrusting the

Deacons | June 2006

The State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange jointly issued the Implementing Opinion on Several Issues in the Laws Applicable to the Examination and Approval, Registration and Administration of Foreign Investment Enterprises on 24 April 2006 ...

Deacons | June 2006

The State Council issued the Regulations of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of the Registration of Companies on 18 December 2005. The Regulations have replaced 1994 regulations of the same name with effect from 1 January 2006. The revisions to the Regulations bring the rules for company registration in line with the amended Company Law of the People’s Republic of China (“Company Law”) (as discussed in issue 2005.3 of China Legal Update) ...
