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Lavery Lawyers | November 2013

On Thursday, November 7, 2013, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced measures to definitively eliminate all the artificial trans fats from processed products in the United States. The purpose of the proposal, which is released for public comments for a 60-day period, is to remove trans fats from the “generally recognized as safe” (“GRAS”) category, which would allow these products to be commonly used in food products ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | February 2024

The case concerns the interpretation of Article 269 of the AHL, which provides that additional or more stringent measures by Member States may be adopted concerning responsibilities for animal health in certain limited areas. (As provided for Articles 10 to 17 AHL ...

Veirano Advogados | July 2018

The international trading market is currently quite favorable to commodity-producing countries such as Brazil. In recent months, the Bloomberg Commodity Index, which tracks daily the performance of main commodities, closed at US$89.49, 1.5% higher than it was at lhe end of 2017 and 6.73% higher than it was 12 months ago ...

Asters | August 2009

Over the past few years, the Ukrainian agromarket has been rapidly developing. The vast potential of our nation's agricultural sector together with the intensifying situation in the global foodstuffs market has furthered this process. Both international and domestic players have played an active role ...

Social determinants (or drivers) of health (SDOH) can create substantial barriers to an individual’s overall health and wellbeing. For example, several factors associated with economic hardship—lack of transportation, safe housing, or access to nutritious food, etc.—are highly correlated with poor health outcomes ...

Lavery Lawyers | July 2017

In recent months, the Senate passed the Act to prohibit and prevent genetic discrimination (Genetic Non-Discrimination Act). This Act also amended the Canada Labour Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act. The new Act aims to regulate the use of genetic tests, namely, tests that analyze the DNA1, RNA2 or chromosomes of a person for predictive or monitoring purposes or for establishing a diagnosis or prognosis, mainly within a contractual framework ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | December 2018

The National Farmers Union, Scotland (NFUS) Joint Venture Hub is designed to act as a match-maker, bringing together enterprising individuals – some of whom have land and some of whom don’t – with a view to pooling their resources to farm together for profit. The Hub can be accessed online via this link. One of the possible vehicles for pursuing a joint venture is by entering into a share farming agreement ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | September 2022

  While their advent was initially hailed as a revolution for the creative industries, non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”) appear to have lost significant steam over the past months with the Wall Street Journal reporting that NFT sales have dropped by 92% over September 2021 figures ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | November 2022

On appeal, the trademark infringement was no longer in dispute. Still, the decision has a fundamental interest in the intellectual property legal space. The judgement deals with principal issues related to compensation claims for trademark infringement where the infringement and alleged damage merely relates to a subpart of the infringer’s ads and turnover. Norgesgjerde and Vindex (the original plaintiffs) claimed total damages and compensation in excess of NOK 10 million ...

The Tenant Farming Commissioner’s Code of Practice on the Conduct of Rent Reviews contains a useful summary of the law applicable to rent reviews and provides recommended steps for the conduct of the rent review itself. If the rent can’t be agreed by simple discussion or exchange of letters then the Code of Practice sets out a timetable that the parties should follow unless both parties have agreed otherwise ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2024

From Dominic Cummings to Nicola Sturgeon, 2023 was a noisy, headline-grabbing year for the UK’s public inquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic. What’s coming in 2024? And what does it mean for businesses? In terms of media exposure, the first full year in the life of the UK’s official Covid-19 Inquiry was a resounding success ...

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt | December 2022

The past two years have seen significant growth in the number of mergers and acquisitions nationwide with many agriculture and farming business owners choosing to liquefy their assets and move on. At the same time, employers have had to cope with numerous challenges that have made the task of hiring and preparing I-9s for new employees more difficult. Some employers (unlawfully) stopped preparing I-9s for new hires altogether ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | December 2023

Updated on 8 January 2024.Food law is extensively harmonized throughout the EU, but national law still has a role to play. In this short article, we look at three developments in Belgian food law that have taken place in 2023: the amendments to the Food Safety Agency’s administrative fining regime, the introduction of nutrivigilance, and the announced revision of the food hygiene legislation.1 ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | January 2021

Coming to Grips with Hospital Price Transparency – DC Circuit Rejects American Hospital Association’s Effort to Invalidate Price Transparency Requirements Rule Since 2010, Section 2718(e) of the Public Health Service Act has required hospitals to establish and publish annually “a list of the hospital’s standard charges for items and services provided by the hospital ...

Carey | July 2023

On September 17, 2022, Exempt Decree No. 63 of the Ministry of Health was published in the Official Gazette, approving Technical Standard No. 226 of the Ministry of Health, which set forth the obligation to implement a data registration system that allows the traceability of medical devices when they are received by institutional healthcare providers ...

Han Kun Law Offices | August 2023

Recently, China's healthcare industry has been subject to a rigorous inspection and rectification initiatives focusing on anti-corruption. These initiatives have attracted widespread attention in the industry, and we have received numerous media and customer inquiries regarding such issues ...

Han Kun Law Offices | May 2024

In recent years, the regulatory framework for human genetic resources ("HGR") in China has become increasingly mature ...

AELEX | May 2022

INTRODUCTION On 10 March, 2022, the Federal High Court sitting in Abuja in Suits No: FHC/ABJ/CS/791/2020: Fan Milk International A/S v. Mandarin Oriental Services BV and The Registrar of Trademarks and FHC/ABJ/CS/792/2020: Fan Milk International A/S v. Mandarin Oriental Services BV and The Registrar of Trademarks, delivered two landmark judgements and established certain principles on the determination of trademark infringement ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | March 2016

Are you ready to disclose? All Transfers of Value (ToV) from 2015 must be disclosed publicly via the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association (IPHA) central reporting system by 1 July 2016. This relates to all ToVs that were made by pharmaceutical companies to Healthcare Providers (HCPs) and Healthcare Organisations (HCOs) in connection with the development and sale of prescription only medicinal products for human use ...

Asters | August 2017

While the Ukrainian Parliament continues heated debates over the open market for agricultural land, one thing remains clear - the lifting of the moratorium on sale of agricultural land is an inevitable process, which is largely driven by globalization and the expansion of influence of major world corporate groups in Ukraine. However, for the land market and agribusiness to become transparent and efficient, the relevant risk management systems have to be implemented ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | July 2019

Last month marked the 50-year anniversary of one of the more infamous and impactful environmental disasters to occur in the United States. On June 22, 1969, the Cuyahoga River, which runs through the heart of Cleveland before emptying into Lake Erie, caught fire for the 13th time. Time magazine ran a story that highlighted the river’s severe pollution ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2017

  A successful appeal against a remediation notice has highlighted the difficulties faced by local authorities when trying to secure the remediation of contaminated land. The appeal is only the second appeal to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (SoS) since the contaminated land regime in Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 was implemented in 2000 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2011

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) has finalized two rules to authorize swaps (other than options) in agricultural commodities which will (i) correct existing inconsistencies, bring the regulation of agricultural swaps in line with the regulation of all other swaps under the CFTC’s jurisdiction1, and clarify that agricultural swaps may be listed or traded on swap execution facilities or designated contract markets, and (ii) provide a definition for regulatory purposes of

In Ultima Services Corporation v. U.S. Department of Agriculture et al., Case No. 2:20-CV-‎‎00041, Ultima Services Corporation filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of ‎Tennessee (Greenville Division) challenging the constitutionality of the Small Business ‎Administration’s 8(a) Business Development Program ...
