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Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | September 2011

The government has recently published a consultation document seeking views in relation to its proposals for business rate retention ("BRR") in England and options for enabling local authorities to carry out Tax Increment Financing ("TIF") within the business rates retention system.  The business rates consultation may interest developers, the public sector and those involved in renewables or regeneration, particularly those considering Tax Increment Financed projects ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2011

The long anticipated America Invents Act (the “Act”) was signed into law today. However, given that certain provisions of the Act are now in effect while others do not come online until March 16, 2013, innovating companies and individuals should consider the impact and timing of those provisions on their overall patent strategy. Below is a link to some practice pointers and strategic tips you may want to consider when operating under the Act ...

AELEX | September 2011

bold">This paper considers the recent developments in Nigerian Ship Arrest Law.  The Admiralty Jurisdiction Procedure Rules (AJPR) 2011 for the Federal High Court of Nigeria (FHC), and its effect on ship arrest practice. bold">The new AJPR 2011 (the New Rules) was made by the Chief Judge of the FHC(CJF) 1 on 1st March 2011 and came into force on 14th March 2011 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2011

President Obama recently sent to Congress proposed legislative language and analyses of his proposed deficit-reduction plan. Among the proposed legislative changes is a change to the formula used for calculating the cap on the amount that the federal government will reimburse federal contractors for executive compensation ...

ENSafrica | November 2011

November 8, 2011- The Minister of Finance and Economic Development delivered his Budget Speech on the 4th of November 2011. The Budget aims at providing for innovative measures to support key economic sectors (such as ICT/BPO, Tourism, Financial Sector...) and new markets (renewable energies...). The Budget also provides for a National Resilience Plan to support the economy in a global economic downturn ...

The Joint Select Committee on Marcellus Shale (the “Committee”) reported a 121 page bill governing horizontal wells that utilize 210,000 gallons of water or more per month or that involve surface disturbance of 3 acres or more. The final version of the bill was posted to the West Virginia Legislature’s website on November 18, 2011 (the “Bill”) ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | January 2012

<table border="0" width="780" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>To date, under Panama law (and ever since 1917<a name="_ftnref1"></a><a href="wsg_admin14 ...

Morgan & Morgan | March 2012

The Maritime Labor Convention of 2006 is an instrument that contains an approximate of 70 different provisions on labor-related matters in the maritime industry, which was approved by the International Labor Organization (ILO), in view of the absence of minimum standards that offered labor security and decent living conditions to the seafarers.  The Maritime Labor Convention is expected to take effect before the end of 2013 ...

Carey | April 2012

International anti-corruption conventions to which international anti-corruption conventions is your country a signatory? Chile is a signatory to and has ratified the Inter-American Convention against Corruption, the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, and the United Nations Convention against Corruption ...

In January, the Secretary of State for Transport announced the project for the construction of HS2, a second high speed rail network.  It is to be constructed in two phases forming a “Y” shape: the first phase between London and Birmingham and the second from Birmingham, to Manchester and to Leeds.  Phase 1 will link to Europe via the high speed rail line in London, HS1 and the Channel Tunnel ...

PLMJ | April 2012

On 29 March,the Ministerial Order No. 84/2012 that declared the Tribunal for Competition,Regulation and Supervision (“TCRS” or “Tribunal”) operational was finally published in the Official Journal. Said Ministerial Order constitutes the final phase of the legislative procedure initiated with Law No. 46/2011, of 24.6.2011, and further developed by Decree-Law No. 67/2012, of 20.3.2012 ...

Earlier this month the new Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC), Rosemary Agnew, took up her position.  Since Kevin Dunion finished his second term at the end of February his Head of Enforcement, Margaret Keyse, was Acting Commissioner until Ms Agnew was able to take up her new post.  As you would expect the SIC’s team has carried on the work that Mr Dunion set in place but only time will tell what Ms Agnew’s approach to the role will be ...

Lavery Lawyers | May 2012

On January 3, 2012, the Ontario Superior Court ordered that Solid Gold Resources Corp. ("Solid Gold"), a junior mining exploration company, be enjoined from carrying on any further mineral exploration activity for 120 days on a parcel of land claimed by the Wahgoshig First Nation ("Wahgoshig") as its traditional territory ...

The Czech Customs Authority announced that Croatia and Turkey will accede to the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure between EU Member States and EFTA countries (the “Convention”) as of 1 July 2012. As a result, the forms listed in the supplements to the Convention are to change. The Czech Customs Authority adds, however, that the currently applicable forms shall continue to be in force and effect at least until 30 June 2013 ...

Florida transportation officials and the private sector have fine-tuned a financing structure that allows the state to use private-sector financing to advance projects to build roads and bridges and fulfill other essential infrastructure needs.  The timing is right. The infrastructure of Florida, like the rest of America, is in critical need of maintenance and overhaul ...

Delphi | June 2012

Several of the players which regularly participate in public procurements are aware of the extended right to make an application to the court to have procurement cases reviewed. Almost a year has passed since the Supreme Administrative Court extended the right for suppliers to appeal in procurement cases to encompass a greater range of situations ...

Delphi | June 2012

On the 10 May 2012, the Swedish parliament enacted a permanent exemption to the Swedish Public Procurement Act (2007:1091) (“LOU”) for the direct award of contracts to affiliated companies.[1]Parliament also decided to enact an option for municipalities and county councils to delegate the competence to make decisions in relation to public procurement procedures to central purchasing bodies ...

Delphi | June 2012

The European Commission (“Commission”) issued on 8 May 2012 a communication, EU Modernization of the State Aid Rules, (COM(2012) 209 final), (“Communication”) to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions ...

PLMJ | July 2012

GOVERNMENT PUBLISHED PROPOSAL TO CHANGE THE INSOLVENCY REGIME Insolvency proceedings are currently governed by the Insolvency and Corporate Recovery Code approved by Decree-Law 53/04 of 18 March (referred to here by its Portuguese initials ‘CIRE’). From its entry into force to date, this legislation has been subject to five legislative amendments ...

PLMJ | July 2012

On 26 June 2012, the Advocate General Cruz Villalón presented his Opinion on the possibility of the European Commission claiming damages as a customer from four lift companies that it found guilty five years ago of operating a cartel[1] ...

PLMJ | July 2012

On 26 June 2012, the Advocate General Cruz Villalón presented his Opinion on the possibility of the European Commission claiming damages as a customer from four lift companies that it found guilty five years ago of operating a cartel1 ...

Wardynski & Partners | August 2012

The Supreme Court of Poland has held that recognition in Poland of French sauvegarde proceedings, which are covered by the EU’s Insolvency Regulation (1346/2000), is consistent with Polish public policy. The ruling was issued in cases involving a Polish company that sought protection against insolvency in France. The Supreme Court upheld the debtor’s argument that there was no basis for the lower courts in Poland to refuse torecognise the French proceedings ...

ENSafrica | September 2012

Readers familiar with South Africa’s associated ship arrest provisions will recall that in terms of sections 3(6) and (7) of the Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Act No. 105 of 1983, a ship, other than the one in respect of which the relevant maritime claim arose, may be arrested to enforce the claim or to obtain security for it ...

Delphi | September 2012

Earlier this year, the Inquiry regarding Procurement Services published its opinion "The future for the Procurement Assistance". The Inquiry’s mission is to propose how procurement assistance should be coordinated in order to increase competence, availability, consistency and visibility for procurement market participants ...

Delphi | September 2012

On October 1, 2012, changes in Regulation (2003:770) on government authorities’ electronic information exchange enter into force. The changes involve an obligation for a number of government authorities to implement e-commerce, and from May 31, 2013 handle all of their orders for supplies and services electronically. In this article Kristian Pedersen and Ingrid Sandstedt present the new rules ...
