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The U. S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the JOBS (Jumpstart Our Business Startups) Act Tuesday, March 27, after receiving it from the Senate. The President signed the bill April 5, 2012. The JOBS Act is best known for its crowdfunding provisions, which I will address shortly, but it also is a boon to many community banks. Community banks often are formed with many investors ...

Waller | April 2012

The global financial crisis which began in 2008 elevated the prosecution of crimes affecting federally insured financial institutions to near the top of the Justice Department’s priority list. Directors and officers of those institutions, already under scrutiny from the regulators and law enforcement agencies traditionally charged with examining their actions (e.g ...

Over the past decade, arbitration under the Federal Arbitration Act1 (“FAA”) has been the subject of much debate and discussion among courts across the United States, including both the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals (“the WVSCA”) and the Supreme Court of the United States (“the Supreme Court”). Historically, the Supreme Court has ardently favored the resolution of disputes through arbitration,2 while the WVSCA has been more cautious to embrace arbitration in the place of litigation ...

Deacons | May 2012

The Securities and Futures (Amendment) Ordinance 2012 ("Amendment Ordinance"), except Part 2 of which in relation to disclosure of inside information, comes into operation as it is published in Gazette on 4 May 2012. The Amendment Ordinance has introduced several regulatory initiatives which will be discussed in brief details below ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | June 2012

On 6 June 2012, the European Commission announced new crisis management measures to deal effectively on a cross border basis and in a harmonised manner with any future bank crisis ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | June 2012

In recent public speeches and correspondence, senior officials at the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) have provided details regarding an examination strategy that will be applied to newly-registered investment advisers.1 Under this strategy, a new registrant may be subject to examination by the SEC as early as this coming fall. Accordingly, newly-registered advisers should be proactive and prepare to respond to SEC document and information requests ...

Lavery Lawyers | June 2012

A commercial lease does not end on the sole basis that the lessee declares bankruptcy; to the contrary, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (“BIA”) provides that the property of the bankrupt, including the lease, is vested in the trustee. In fact, the terms of the lease are what make it possible for the lessor to terminate the lease should the lessee declare bankruptcy ...

Lavery Lawyers | June 2012


Delphi | June 2012

On April 16, 2012 the Swedish government submitted the 2012 spring budget to parliament. On the same day, the Ministry of Finance released a memorandum with proposed changes to tax legislation, which was sent for consideration. It is proposed that most of the changes come into effect on January 1, 2013. Below you will find a short summary of the key changes in the memorandum ...

Delphi | June 2012

When a company acquires a minority share in a competing company, legal issues concerning price-fixing, market sharing, exchange of information etc. may arise if the companies in question do not continue to regard each other as competitors. This situation has recently been tried in a judgment from the Stockholm District Court where the coach tour operators, Scandorama and Ölvemarks were ordered to pay fines of SEK 6.8 million and SEK 4.6 million respectively ...

Deacons | June 2012

The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) issued its conclusions on its proposals in relation to the establishment of a financial dispute resolution centre and to amend the Code of Conduct (Code) on 21 May 2012 and the conclusions are available on the SFC website: On 19 June 2012 the SFC released the revised version of the Code which can be accessed here: http://www.sfc ...

Lavery Lawyers | July 2012

On April 20, 2012, Justice Mongeon of the Quebec Superior Court rendered an important decision in the restructuring of the White Birch Paper Company ("White Birch")1. The judgment could have a lasting effect on CCAA Jurisprudence in Quebec since it deals with issues relating to the pension plans of insolvent companies and the applicability of an important decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal in Quebec ...

PLMJ | July 2012

The real estate sector is among the most important in Mozambique and enjoys incentives from the State. Access to land is crucial to investment in this sector.As land in Mozambique is the property of the State and, for this reason, cannot be sold, mortgaged or charged, besides occupation, the only vehicles the law provides for access to land are the right to use and benefit from land - Direito de Uso and Aproveitamento da Terra  “DUAT”) or Special Licences ...

Deacons | August 2012

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) are currently consulting on changes to the definition of type 9 regulated activity that will affect all Hong Kong asset managers who use over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives in their portfolios. The consultation ends on 31 August. We encourage you to read the consultation paper ...

Wardynski & Partners | September 2012

Outsourcing has for years been gaining popularity. Together with an increase in the number of businesses, their branches, subsidiaries as well as capital groups, increasing attention is drawn to the costs of their operations. Such activities as personal, payroll, procurement, IT, or back office in the case of financial institutions are unnecessarily duplicated in the case of companies in a capital group or generate greater costs than if carried out by an external specialized firm ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2012

Contents: The Application for Rectification by the Court Is Not a Cure for all Ills: Prevention is Better than (Attempting!) a CureRegister your Trade-marks!; The Importance of Having a Detailed Power of Attorney in the Event of a Person’s IncapacityEffect of a Unanimous Shareholders’ Agreement on CCPC Status THE APPLICATION FOR RECTIFICATION BY THE COURT IS NOT A CURE FOR ALL ILLS: PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN (ATTEMPTING!) A CURELast June 19, the Superio

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2012

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the "Dodd-Frank Act" or the "Act") attempts to sort through the energy trading and hedging market to protect "commercial end users" from new regulatory burdens intended for trading firms and financial institutions ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2012

Quebec Law has for a long time distinguished the personal guarantor from the real guarantor: a personal guanrantor is personally bound to repay a creditor should the principal debtor fail to perform its obligations; a real guarantor does no more than give some of its assets as collateral to a creditor, and unlike a personal guarantor, is not personally bound to repay the loan granted to the principal debtor ...

Lavery Lawyers | October 2012

DUE DILIGENCE IN LEASING: It is fairly common and in fact recommended, to proceed with a due diligence review of a property before its acquisition. At a minimum, title to the property is confirmed through a title search review. Often times, a much more thorough review is completed. Matters such as zoning and other legal compliance are reviewed together with the status of realty taxes owing as well as a physical and environmental inspection ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | October 2012

The State of North Carolina recently put into place policies to help encourage brownfields redevelopment. These policies respond to cuts in federal funding to states for brownfields programs while encouraging brownfield redevelopment projects. Though fees for the development of brownfield agreements have increased, programs have been developed to aid the marketing of brownfield properties in an effort to help fast track brownfield projects ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | October 2012

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) recently fined an organisation £250,000 fter its outsourcing vendor carelessly dumped confidential financial data in ublic recycling bins. This incident provides a stark reminder to organisationsthat they remain legally responsible for personal data, even where they utsource data processing activities to third parties ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | October 2012

The Supreme Court of Canada released its decision today in Southcott Estates Inc. v. Toronto Catholic District School Board, 2012 SCC 51 which addressed a number of thorny issues relevant to commercial real estate disputes including whether a Plaintiff must mitigate its damages where it has made a claim for specific performance of a real estate contract.  The decision has wide-ranging implications for Commercial Real Estate developers ...

On October 17, 2012, there was published in the Federal Official Gazette an executive order issuing the Federal Act to Prevent and Identify Illegally-Funded Transactions. The purpose of the Act is to track and investigate activities and transactions involving resources illegally obtained ...

Lavery Lawyers | October 2012

On August 30, 2011, Hart Stores Inc./Magasins Hart inc. ( hereinafter “Hart”), filed for protection under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (hereinafter the “CCAA”). As part of the restructuring, Hart closed down 32 out of 92 points of sale and laid off 640 out of 1,600 employees. Included in the lay off are five executives, who are the subject of this bulletin.The executives were all laid off by means of a simple notice of termination ...

Lavery Lawyers | October 2012

On May 14, 2012, the Honourable Normand Gosselin, J.S.C., ruled on an amended motion seeking the sanction of a plan of arrangement concerning a debtor, Norgate Metal Inc. ("Norgate").1 The judgment is special in that Norgate asked the court to annul some of the votes that had been cast against the plan of arrangement. Norgate submitted that the only reason why the creditors who cast those votes had voted against the plan was that they wished to eliminate a competitor from their industry ...
