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Deacons | January 2006

At the 18th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People’s Congress held on 27 October 2005 amendments to the Securities Law of the of the People’s Republic of China were adopted. The amendments, which were promulgated by President Hu Jintao on 27 October 2005 and enter into effect on 1 January 2006, represent a significant reform of the Law which was first promulgated in 1999 ...

Deacons | January 2006

The State Council passed the Regulations of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Production Licences for Industrial Products on 29 June 2005. The Regulations were promulgated by premier Wen Jiabao on 9 July 2005 and entered into effect on 1 September 2005. The Regulations repeal the Trial Regulations for Industrial Product Production Permits promulgated by the State Council on 7 April 1984 ...

Deacons | January 2006

The State Council Information Office and the Ministry of Information Industry issued the Regulations for the Administration of Internet News Information Services on 25 September 2005. The Regulations, which entered into effect on the date of their promulgation, impose licensing and recordal requirements on providers of online news information services in China ...

Great fanfare surrounded the introduction of the Freedom of Information Act and the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 a year ago. The FOI legislation was hailed as a success in changing the culture of government. But while most public sector organisations have now come to grips with the workings of the FOI legislation, many have overlooked an associated set of regulations that came into effect at the start of this summer ...

In order to speed up the application in Mexico of the concept of “immunity” proposed in a recent bill containing amendments to the Federal Economic Competition Law (the “Law”), a full session of the Commission, on January 26, 2006, approved the “Internal Policies to Grant Immunity to Those Cooperating in Investigations of Monopolistic Practices.” The policy will work as follows: 1 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2006

Purchasing a yacht should be a pleasurable experience given that the craft in question is most likely to be used for the owner’s leisure pursuits. Yachts, however, whether they are second-hand, new, large or small, have one thing in common. They are expensive. However, many purchasers whether they are paying £10,000 or £1,000,000 are sometimes less cautious than perhaps they should be when buying what is in effect a “toy” ...

An amendment to the Law Regulating Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution Concerning Petroleum (the “Law”) was recently passed by the Mexican Congress and published in the Federal Official Gazette on January 12, 2006 ...

The Federal Electricity Commission (the “Commission”) has put out for public bidding the construction and the operation of a Liquid Natural Gas Degasification Terminal (the “Terminal”). The winning tender will construct, operate, and supply gas from the Terminal which will ensure a supply of natural gas to the Commission’s electricity generating plants Manzanillo I and II, Bajio, El Sauz, Salamanca, and Guadalajara I and II ...

On December 28, 2005, the Mexican Ministry of Finance published in the Federal Official Gazette notice of an increase in domestic electricity power supply charges to be implemented during the year 2006. Such increase will not exceed 4% and will be put into effect gradually, month-by-month, throughout the year. As of the end of 2004, Mexico had 24 million domestic power supply consumers ...

In June 2004 legislation came into force giving Scottish communities a right to purchase land for sustainable development. The legislation is complicated. Even the Scottish Executive's guidance for community bodies states such a purchase is no easy option and requires commitment and patience. It suggests community bodies may wish to consider buying the land by agreement without the use of the legislation ...

In June 2004 legislation came into force giving Scottish communities a right to purchase land for sustainable development. The legislation is complicated. Even the Scottish Executive's guidance for community bodies states such a purchase is no easy option and requires commitment and patience. It suggests community bodies may wish to consider buying the land by agreement without the use of the legislation ...

Scotland's new procurement regulations came into force on 31 January 2006, meaning the country is covered by a separate set of procurement rules than the rest of the UK. This is a major change from the previous regime. The Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations and the Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations, both 2006, were introduced to ensure the procurement regime in Scotland complies with the European Union's new directives on procurement in the public and utilities sectors ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | March 2006

Thanks to Houston's leading role in energy, the exotic names of former Soviet Republics forming the Commonwealth of Independent States -- entities such as Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan -- are familiar to locals active in oil and gas. They are also well known to Houston law firms that serve energy interests. Serving Russia and the Caspian region, Haynes and Boone LLP opened a Moscow office last year ...

March of 2006 will make a mark in history as the date in which the people of Bolivia have manifested, through the National Congress, their irrevocable and unequivocal decision of modifying the political structure of the Republic by simultaneously calling to a Constituent Assembly, with the purpose of designing a new Political Constitution, and to a binding referendum on departmental autonomies. Six presidents have passed since the beginning of the new millennium ...

The Cabinet Office's Better Regulation Executive (BRE) is currently undertaking a review of penalties for businesses that fall foul of the law and business should ensure their views are heard. This spring, a consultation paper will be released which will be the final opportunity for stakeholders and interested parties to contribute to the review before it makes its recommendations to the Government in late 2006 ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | April 2006

The Planning and Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Bill 2006 was published on 16 February 2006 (a pdf version of this Bill is available at the end of this article). The idea of creating a “fast track” planning procedure for major infrastructural projects had been mooted for over three years ...

Supreme Decree No. 28701 of May 1st, 2006 (the “SD”), has a legitimate basis that rests on the 2004 binding Referendum by which a majority of the Bolivian population approved the nationalization of hydrocarbons. Also, the SD was created in order to comply with campaign promises made to the various social sectors that ultimately brought the current government to power ...

The Police and Justice Bill was put before the House of Commons on 25 January 2006. The main aim of the Bill is to improve the powers and scope of the police force but there are a number of sections which look to update the Computer Misuse Act 1990 (CMA) and in particular to make Denial of Service (DOS) Attacks illegal. DOS attacks can take many forms but are essentially an attempt to disrupt the use of a computer, server or website ...

In 2005, 24 oil and gas sector companies floated on the London Stock Exchange, five of which operated in oil services and the remainder in exploration and production (E&P). A similar number of sector flotations are expected in 2006, despite a slow start to the year. Investor appetite for oil services and E&P flotations remains buoyant against the background of continued positive outlook for oil and gas prices ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | May 2006

Aboriginal rights, title and treaty issues are one of the most significant legal issues currently facing the oil and gas industry in Western Canada. This paper provides an overview of the current legal context respecting aboriginal rights, title and treaty issues in Western Canada and its impact on the oil and gas industry. It also includes some comments on one commonly used means to reduce uncertainty in relation to consultation issues, namely, impact and benefit agreements ...

Dykema | June 2006

On February 28, 2006, Michigan enacted water management legislation giving the State greater control over large quantity water withdrawals. The laws create for the first time a waterextraction permit system and user fees for largescale withdrawals from inland and Great Lakes water sources. They also impose special requirements on water bottlers ...

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) and the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) both came into force on 1 January 2005. The Acts gave the general public the right to request and receive information held by public authorities for the first time ...

The implementing rules and regulations of Republic Act No. 6957 as amended, or the BOT Law, have been revised to increase incentives, minimize government regulations, allow reasonable returns on investments, share risks between the government and the project proponent, and assure transparency and competitiveness in the bidding and award of projects ...

Dykema | July 2006

There are a number of legal mechanisms that can improve the economics and liability of industrial and commercial development projects for developers willing to take advantage of them. This article will explore some of the incentives available to developers that will assist in maximizing profits and freeing-up capital that would otherwise be devoted to conventional construction or permanent loan financing. 1. Tax Incremental Financing Districts (“TIF’s”) ...
