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Brigard Urrutia | April 2020

In order to implement transitional measures to mitigate the adverse effects of the fall in international hydrocarbons prices and the public health emergency caused by COVID-19, the National Hydrocarbon Agency (“ANH”), issued Agreement 2 of 2020 (the “Agreement”) ...

Brigard Urrutia | March 2020

ANH published an Addendum to the PPAA and the draft agreement on measures to strengthen the sector. The National Hydrocarbons Agency ("ANH") joins the emergency measures adopted by the National Government to face the health contingency due to the propagation of COVID-19 and the international fall in oil prices ...

Brigard Urrutia | April 2020

The National Mining Agency ("ANM") and the National Hydrocarbons Agency ("ANH") published resolutions by means of which they extended the suspensions of some of their activities during the preventive isolation decreed by the National Government. First, the ANM published the Resolution No. 116 of 2020, by means of which it extended until April 12, the suspensions set forth in its Resolution 096 of 2020 ...

Brigard Urrutia | April 2020

The National Mining Agency ("ANM") published, in recent days and after receiving comments from the public, the Resolution 100 of March 17, 2020 (the "Resolution"), which sets forth the conditions and periodicity for the submission of information on mineral resources and reserves in respect to a concession area ...

Brigard Urrutia | December 2019

The ANM, launches ANNA Mining, the digital platform will replace the Colombian Mining Cadastre and will start operating in phases. On December 13, 2019, the National Mining Agency (ANM) launched the new Comprehensive Mining Management System: ANNA Mining (ANNA), which will replace the Colombian Mining Cadastre ...

Asters | April 2003

Mobile TeleSystems, Russia's leading mobile communications operator and one of the largest mobile operators in Eastern Europe, has acquired a 57.7% stake in Ukrainian Mobile Communications (UMC), the second largest Ukrainian mobile operator, for €194.2 million. In November 2002 Mobile TeleSystems signed a purchase agreement for 57.7% of UMC's shares. Under the agreement, Mobile TeleSystems was to acquire the 16 ...

AELEX | May 2022

INTRODUCTION Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is fast becoming popular as a relatively easier method of resolving disputes across the world and intellectual property (“IP”) is not an exception. This is apparent from the rising number of disputes handled by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Arbitration and Mediation Centre over the past few years, from 136 cases in 2017, to 155 in 2018, 178 in 2019 and 182 in 2020 ...

Deacons | September 2021

The recent judgment in Kinli Civil Engineering Ltd v Geotech Engineering Ltd, HCA 2141/2020, is a reminder of the importance of choosing words carefully when drafting an arbitration clause, to ensure that it reflects the parties’ intentions as to how any disputes that may arise are to be resolved.      Background The proceedings were instituted by the Plaintiff (K) against the Defendant (G) for sums, said to be due under a contract between them (Contract) ...

Plesner | December 2014

It has long been known that Greenland possesses vast amounts of mineral resources. But due to climate changes, resulting in a rapid meltdown of ice caps in the Arctic regions, it is now getting easier to discover and exploit the mineral resources. The costs of exploring and exploiting minerals continue to decrease, and many experts believe that Greenland will become the next frontier within the mining industry ...

The Construction Industry Arbitration Commission of the Philippines (“CIAC”) has original and exclusive jurisdiction over disputes arising from, or connected with, contracts entered into by parties involved in construction in the Philippines. Construction disputes may range from contractual money claims to disputes over the execution of the construction work. Construction disputes may involve government or private contracts ...

TSMP Law Corporation | February 2020

The sharing economy enters the home as rising property prices drive nomadic millennial singletons to seek an alternative to the inflexible rented apartment.An impromptu foosball game with your neighbour while waiting for the laundry. Cooking classes in a communal Masterchef-inspired kitchen. Movie screenings, board game nights, and in-house yoga and meditation sessions. These are but some of the activities to look forward to if you take up quarters in a co-living facility ...

Agricultural rent reviews have been a source of controversy within the industry for many years. After a period of 15 years or so where there was little rent review activity in the agricultural tenanted sector between the early 1990s and the mid-2000s, a sharp spike in commodity prices during the course of 2007 led to a large number of rent review notices being served ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2009

Many property agreements allow the developer to decide whether conditions attaching to planning permissions are onerous without imposing a parallel obligation to act reasonably.Despite this wide discretion, recent case law has confirmed that there is still an implied duty to act in good faith ...

MinterEllison | July 2011

Last week, in conjunction with the Queensland Resources Council, Minter Ellison hosted a presentation by one of the world's leading carbon market experts. Her topic was the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and what Australia can learn from it in the context of the current debate around a carbon pricing mechanism for this country.Jill Duggan works for the EU ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the global real estate landscape. In the United States alone, AI companies are predicted to have a 1.6m sq m real estate footprint by the end of 2023, according to JLL ...

Carey Olsen | August 2023

Legal Property Due Diligence In a property transaction, whether that is buying, leasing, or financing, a legal property due diligence exercise may be required to assess the potential risk to a client before committing to the transaction. The potential for AI to be used to review and digest legal property DD documentation with speed and accuracy is clear ...

Asbestos was used extensively in UK commercial and residential buildings in the 20th century, primarily for insulation, flooring and roofing, as well as being sprayed on ceilings and walls. On health grounds, the UK banned the use and import of all asbestos in November 1999.   The House of Commons DWP Select Committee recently conducted an inquiry into the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) approach to asbestos management ...

SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan contributed to the Philippines section of Asia Pacific Property Investment Guide, a publication produced by Ashurst - Singapore and Jones Lang LaSalle ...

An important update to Georgia’s statutory lien waiver laws will take effect on January 1, 2021. This summer, Georgia enacted an amendment to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-366 (the Lien Waiver Statute), that alters the form for interim and final lien waivers. The new statute makes it clear that lien waivers only waive lien or bond rights against the property and do not waive the right to file a lawsuit for non-payment or other related claims ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | July 2015

Attractive Real Estate Business in the Czech Republic The Czech property market has developed considerably in recent decades and this optimistic trend continues. According to statistical figures, the volume of commercial investment during the last twelve months to Q1 2015 in the Czech Republic reached EUR 2.6 billion, representing 90.8 % increase ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2009

Auction sales can raise difficulties when determining whether the transaction is a transfer of a going concern (“TOGC”) as there are two possible situations at which the tax point occurs. If the deposit is being held as agent then the tax point is from the moment the auctioneer's hammer goes down ...

MinterEllison | August 2010

Australia’s accession to the Hague Convention on Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil and Commercial Matters 1965 (Convention) will streamline administrative procedures involved in transnational litigation. This welcome step will reduce many risks associated with transnational litigation, giving confidence to Australians engaged in international transactions ...

MinterEllison | March 2021

What does 2021 hold for investors in Australian renewables? We ask 100 Australian and overseas investors in the renewable energy sector for their insights. We compare our findings today to those from 2019. This report explores the current trends shaping the Australian renewable energy market, in addition to the main drivers behind deals, opportunity sectors and challenges facing investors ...

Changes to the rules relating to the use of red diesel will come into effect from April 1 2022 as a result of amendments to the Hydro Carbon Oil Duties Act 1979. The new rules set out a list of “excepted machines” which are allowed to use red diesel. A vehicle that is used for a purpose related to agriculture, aquatic farming, horticulture and forestry is allowed to use red diesel and can be used on the public road if the use is for one of those purposes ...
