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The Consumer Protection Act 1987 (the CPA) was enacted almost 35 years ago in order to implement EU law. The act introduced the concept of “strict liability” into the arena of product supply to certain users. This means that consumers who are injured by defective products can sue manufacturers without having to prove negligence.  This practical guide provides an overview of the CPA for consumers and manufacturers, with reference to recent key cases ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | December 2007

On 19 September, the Commission announced its third legislative package aimed at liberalising the EU’s electricity and gas markets ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | January 2007

This paper was presented at The Canadian Institute’s 2nd Annual Oil & Gas Law Summit Overcoming the Regulatory Challenges and Uncertainties to Keep Your Project on Track on January 22 – 23, 2007 in Calgary, Alberta. Oil and gas exploration in Canada’s North has a long history that dates back to the oil well drilled in Norman Wells in 1920. The North is recognized as holding a significant portion of Canada’s potential for undeveloped oil and gas ...

Shoosmiths LLP | November 2022

While originally opened to great fanfare between 2017 and 2019, over the course of 2022 Shell has discreetly closed down all of its UK hydrogen filling stations, citing that "the prototype technology had reached the end of its life". This decision is perhaps not surprising, given the low volume of domestic fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) on UK roads ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | July 2018

In the latest ruling from the contentious Gloria’s Ranch case (Gloria's Ranch, L.L.C. v. Tauren Exploration, Inc., 2018 La. LEXIS 1694), the Supreme Court of Louisiana reversed the lower courts’ decisions that held Wells Fargo Energy Capital, Inc ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2023

We have previously commented on the impact environmental concerns are having on those working in the traditional energy sectors. In particular, the focus on renewable energy has left many oil and gas workers nervous about their job security and ability to find alternative work if they are made redundant. Thankfully, it appears those concerns might be unfounded ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2021

In our last two articles, we have considered how transport may change over the coming years. This is of course only half the story. Clean energy production is possible within a city and there are many other technologies currently available, or just around the corner, which may revolutionise both the power grid and the quality of inner-city air. Energy generation It goes without saying that renewable energy sources will be critical to our future energy needs ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | July 2007

The Federal Court of Canada recently released its decision in Ahousaht First Nation v. Canada (Fisheries and Oceans)(1). The case considered an application by 14 First Nations represented by the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council (“NTC”) for judicial review of a decision of the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans regarding the implementation of a commercial groundfish pilot plan on the British Columbia coast (the “Pilot Plan”) ...

This morning, the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (“DEP”) filed a proposed interpretive rule (the “Interpretive Rule”) with the West Virginia Secretary of State’s office implementing, in part, the recent Aboveground Storage Tank Act (the “AST Act”), which was enacted in response to the January 9, 2014 event that contaminated the water supply of approximately 300,000 West Virginia residents across nine counties ...

Heuking | March 2020

The consequences of the coronavirus are omnipresent and felt by everyone. Management Board members and Directors of issuers of securities listed on the open or regulated market are faced with the question whether ad hoc publicity obligations are arising for their companies in connection with the corona crisis. The abstract circumstance of the occurrence of a recession as a result of the spread of the coronavirus does not trigger an ad hoc disclosure obligation ...

Brigard Urrutia | May 2020

Despite the fact that the fall in oil prices and the health crisis caused by COVID-19 have severely hit the hydrocarbon industry worldwide, the National Hydrocarbon Agency ("ANH") published on April 28, 2020 the Addendum No 11 through which it modified the schedule of the Permanent Area Allocation Process (“PPAA”), thus ratifying the interest of the National Government in this industry ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2014

Action: The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has issued a final rule increasing the limit of liability for damages under the Oil Pollution Act to $133.65 million. BOEM’s Final Rule: On December 12, 2014, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) issued a final rule that, effective January 12, 2015, will increase from $75 million to $133 ...

On Sunday, July 25, 2021, Resolution Nº 032-2021-CD-OSITRAN was published in the Official Gazette “El Peruano”, whereby the Guideline for the submission of information and final documentation of the port work accepted by the Competent Authority (the “Resolution 032″) was adopted ...

AELEX | December 2020

AELEX POWER SECTOR GUIDE - % ǼLEX Legal .avada-select-parent .select-arrow{background-color:#ffffff}.select-arrow{background-color:#ffffff} With the country proceeding to fundamentally restructure the industry to secure the supply of reliable, affordable and, ultimately, sustainable energy, the Nigerian government has introduced some new policies to curb some of these fundamental limitations ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | November 2007

In September, 2007 the AESO removed the 900MW threshold on wind power generation. In response to concerns about the Alberta system’s ability to absorb significant volumes of intermittent resources, in 2006 the AESO had capped wind facility interconnection to the Alberta system at 900MW until such time as appropriate mitigation measures were established to ensure wind power did not jeopardize system reliability ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | November 2007

On September 30, 2007, on its own motion and without notice, the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (AEUB) issued a decision voiding its approvals of both the Alberta Electric System Operator’s (AESO) need assessment and general routing selection and AltaLink Management Ltd.’s (AltaLink) subsequent facilities application related to the proposed 500kV transmission reinforcement between Edmonton and Calgary ...

by M. Ann Bradley, as published in IOGA of West Virginia newsletter, October 2010       There appears to be an increasing trend among certain regulatory agencies to issue policies or guidance when a change in some regulated activity is needed or desired, rather than undertaking formal rule-making procedures to adopt such a change ...

Asters | October 2004

The JIA or the Joint Investment Activity Agreement is a legal document on the basis of which thousands of tones of carbohydrates become privately owned in Ukraine everyday. Presently the JIA Agreement dominates the production of carbohydrates and this situation does not seem to be about to change in the near future. The article goes on to describe various JIA’s ...

Shoosmiths LLP | November 2023

The acceleration in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies has been identified as a significant disruptor, influencing the design, operation, and location of data centres. AI models require large scale datasets and substantial computational power for training ...

There has been considerable activity at the state and federal level over the past few months regarding when companies must “aggregate” emissions from operations to determine whether they are subject to the more stringent “major source” permitting requirements under the New Source Review (“NSR”) and Title V provisions of the Clean Air Act (“CAA”) ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | October 2012

The Alberta Court of Appeal has denied the Cold Lake First Nations’ (CLFN) application to appeal a decision by Alberta’s Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) that it did not have the jurisdiction to determine the adequacy of Crown  consultation in respect of a bitumen recovery project within the CLFN’s  treaty territory ...
