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Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | February 2014

The underwriters have priced the deal. The underwriting agreement has been signed. The issuer has returned its focus to running its business and the underwriters have moved on to the next deal. All that is left is for the lawyers to document the terms and to ensure that the underwriters are in a position to move money at closing. Then, a day or two after pricing, the plant unexpectedly blows up ...

ENSafrica | October 2016

The recent Supreme Court of Appeal (“SCA”) case of Transnet v Total is important not only for those in the petroleum industry, but also, more generally, when it comes to aspects of competition and discrimination, as well as the impact of changes in the law on existing contracts and vested rights ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | October 2020

Key Points The FDA will exercise enforcement discretion when Nutrition and Supplement Facts Labels (a) exclude allulose from Total Sugars and Added Sugars declarations, and (b) use as low as 0.4 kcal/g for allulose calorie count; but allulose must be included as a Total Carbohydrate. Allulose is a basic form of carbohydrate that is naturally occurring in a variety of sweet foods, such as raisins, maple syrup, and brown sugar ...

Over the course of a century of oil and gas development in the U.S., a robust body of law developed, covering virtually every aspect of E&P and interpreting every provision in oil and gas leases, joint operating agreements and innumerable industry contracts. But with the rise of the energy transition, a new set of rules are needed to deal with unprecedented policy, new technology and different priorities ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2021

Taking agricultural land out of production to offset the impact of nitrate pollution from housing can generate income for its owner and benefit developers and local authorities. The problem Nitrogen and Phosphorus are essential nutrients for plants. Used as fertilisers they boost growth and increase crop yields. They are also a pollutant ...

The 2011 Regular Session of the West Virginia Legislature began and progressed in the midst of a frenzy of media attention focused on natural gas production activities in the Marcellus Shale formation and allegations of inadequate regulatory programs to assure proper State oversight of these operations ...

Kudun and Partners | August 2020

Thailand’s two-decade long growth of the renewable energy sector has been pivotal in the pursuit of Thailand 4.0, but has the coronavirus outbreak thwarted these plans? COVID-19 has forced many of the world’s most exciting economies into a full or partial shutdown, suspending their plans for development. Thailand is no exception ...

Japan has a history of investment and joint ventures in India. Foreign direct investment from Japan increased to USD35 billion between 2000-2020, with USD10 billion worth of inbound mergers and acquisitions in 2015-2020 alone. Factors including geopolitical realignments in Asia, excess global liquidity and a new, incentive-based manufacturing regime in India mean that the economic relationship between India and Japan in high-value manufacturing is likely to expand further ...

If you are the owner of an ageing wind, hydro or solar installation that receives Feed in Tariffs (FiTs), you may be considering replacing part or all of the generating equipment to upgrade your installation. "Will repairing or replacing the generating equipment affect my accreditation?" This is something we are being asked increasingly often and, frustratingly, the FiT Legislation and Guidance is inconclusive on this point. But not for much longer ...

With the main goal of the EU being to cut CO2 emissions in order to become carbon neutral by 2050, offshore represents valuable “available space” for the development of clean energy projects. While in some cases offshore is already a crowded place, other offshore locations are still free of significant energy infrastructure. Therefore, planning ahead is more important than ever ...

Despite complying with conditions attached to planning permission for an onshore wind farm development, developers, landowners and operators may find themselves defending an action for nuisance if the noise from the wind turbines unreasonably interferes with the use of another's land ...

Delphi | February 2009

Leif Ramberg in team advising the West Sweden Chamber of Commerce on comments on proposal from the Environmental Procedure Committee Summary The Environmental Procedure Committee has been instructed, by supplementary directive, to review the legal rules which apply to the expansion of wind power ...

Litigation arising from Winter Storm Uri remains active and ongoing since it began nearly three years ago. It has major implications for the Texas energy and power markets and businesses operating in those sectors ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | July 2020

The High Court has left the door open for a negligence claim to be pursued against a UK company on behalf of a shipyard worker who fell to his death dismantling an oil tanker at a Bangladeshi yard.1 The vessel had been sold to a buyer on terms requiring it to be scrapped in an environmentally sound manner and in accordance with good health and safety practices ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | February 2010

Recent developments in health and safety law will affect all those involved in offshore renewables projects, which are very much in focus following the Crown Estate’s announcement of Round 3 awards in early January. However, the new rules do bring clarity and consistency for those working in the sector and bring offshore health and safety regulation in line with onshore projects ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | September 2007

The global biofuels industry needs to be better regulated to ensure it does not harm the environment, the UK's climate change minister has stated.Speaking at a recent conference organised by Britain's Renewable Eneregy Association, Phil Woolas MP cited several studies which have shown that biofuel production has led to deforestation and increased house prices in some areas of the world, most notably across Asia ...

As reported in the July 2015 IOGA News, on June 24, 2015, the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (“WVDEP”) filed a proposed legislative rule amending the Horizontal Well Development Rule, 35 C.S.R. 8 (the “Horizontal Well Rule”), which established a public comment deadline on July 27, 2015. Then on June 25, 2015, WVDEP filed three proposed legislative rules implementing the Aboveground Storage Tank Act, as amended, W. Va. Code § 22-30-1, et seq. (“AST Act”) ...

Under legislation passed in December 2011, which established a comprehensive program for the regulation of oil and gas operations utilizing horizontal drilling methods and related activities, the West Virginia Legislature directed the Department of Environmental Protection to conduct certain studies to inform future decisions regarding the need, or lack thereof, for further legislation or regulations in this area ...

The U.S. General Services Administration recently added Green Globes as an additional third-party green building certification system for federal government construction projects. With this addition, many are now asking about the difference between Green Globes and LEED.   Green Globes has emerged, in some parts of the U.S., as a rival building option to the more well-known Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (“LEED”) system ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | August 2012

The 2011 drought caused record-breaking conditions throughout much of Texas. Farmers, ranchers, and others whose livelihoods depend on reliable sources of water are feeling the effects of the water shortage first-hand. Aside from being subject to locally imposed water-use restrictions, ordinary residents have also noticed receding water levels in Texas lakes, rivers and streams. Unfortunately, Texas’ water problems are not expected to improve any time soon ...
