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On April 22th, 2014, the Federal Electricity Commission announced an international public bid, which number is not yet assigned, for the construction of 5 gas pipelines. These five gas pipelines will have capacity, amongst all of them, for 5 thousand 650 million cubic feet per day, according to the following: The largest of the pipelines, which will go from El Encino in Chihuahua to La Laguna between Coahuila and Durango, shall be 423 kilometers in length and 1,500 million cubic feet per day ...

As Lord Sumption’s leading judgment of the Supreme Court inRock Advertising Limited v MWB Business Exchange Centres Limited[2018] UKSC 24 states, it is rare that modern litigation raises truly fundamental issues in the law of contract. This case, however, raisedtwosuch issues, although as a result of the Court’s decision on the first issue, it was not necessary to decide the “difficult” second issue ...

Shoosmiths LLP | November 2021

The lack of detail in the Budget speech on investment in renewable energy (nothing on hydrogen for example) was disappointing, and surprising to many given the timing of the Autumn Budget with COP26. However, the Comprehensive Spending Review did give a bit more detail. Whether it goes far enough or fast enough to meet ambitious targets is still up for debate ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | November 2005

Judgement of the European Court of Justice in case C-231/03 – Consorzio Aziende Metano (Coname) v. Commune di Cingia de’Botti, dated 21 July 2005 The case developed out of a dispute between Consorzio Aziende Metano (Coname) and the Comune di Cingia de’ Botti (municipality of Cingia de’ Botti) concerning the award by the latter to Padania Acque SpA, of a concession for provision of service covering management, distribution and maintenance of methane gas distribution installations ...

Karanovic & Partners | March 2016

At a recently held Roundtable on the topic of the economic and environmental challenges that are surrounding the process of building the second block of the thermal power plant in Pljevlja, the Montenegrin Network for the Affirmation of the NGO sector (MANS), has scrutinised the whole idea behind this state-owned National Power Company of Montenegro's (EPCG) project ...

Carey | December 2023

On December 21st, 2023, the Chilean Congress approved the bill that modifies Law No. 21,420, which amended the Mining Code as of January 1st, 2024; the Mining Code; the Constitutional Organic Law on Mining Concessions; and the law that creates the National Geology and Mining Service (the “Bill”). Main amendments introduced by the Bill 1 ...

Carey | January 2023

On January 17, 2023, the Senate approved the that sought to postpone the entry into force of the amendments introduced to the Mining Code by Article 10 of Law 21,420 (the "Bill 15,511-08"). This concludes the legislative process of Bill 15,511-08, as the House of Representatives had already approved this bill on January 5, 2023. Now, the initiative will be sent to the President of the Republic for its promulgation and subsequent publication in the Official Gazette in order to be enacted ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | January 2013

On January 1, 2013, the Senate and the House of Representatives passed the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (the "Act") to avert the "fiscal cliff." The Act includes a number of extensions and modifications relating to energy tax provisions ...

Brigard Urrutia | March 2020

By means of Circular No. 4007 of 25 March 2020, the Ministry of Mines and Energy set out some considerations on the understanding of paragraphs 13 and 25 of Article 3 of Decree 457 of 2020, by which the National Government ordered the preventive isolation of all inhabitants of Colombia for a period of 19 days. Paragraphs 13 and 25 refer to exceptions to the restrictions on freedom of movement ...

Everyone likes pie of some sort, especially around the holidays. For those working in the construction industry, the rapidly developing energy sector appears to be an ever-expanding “Job Pie” for contractors designing, managing, supplying, engineering, clearing and erecting projects for participants in the energy sector. For clues on how to follow the pie crumbs to real construction jobs, I turned to Melvin Stroble of Black & Veatch. Here is a slice of the information Mr ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2023

The Supreme Court on 10 May 2023 considered whether damage caused by an oil spill in 2011 could constitute a “continuing nuisance” – and so extend the limitation period for a claim ...

Dykema | February 2018

Strong contracting processes and communications which establishes clearly the expectations of each of the parties reduces disputes and costs and strengthens relationships. The key to strong contracting processes is to approach contracts in a holistic manner making sure all documents interconnect in a logical uniform manner. Because manufacturing processes can be complex, this is often not as easy as it sounds ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | September 2013

I. Introduction The development of projects and business opportunities, particularly in the natural resource industries, requires government decision making, from the issuance of resource tenures, through environmental assessment of proposed works and activities, and through licences, permits and authorizations ...

It’s not impossible for nations in conflict to put aside their differences to coordinate the delivery of natural resources, but it’s unusual. For the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi, cooperation is transforming the shared Ruzizi River into a valuable source of hydro power for three peoples ...

Carey | June 2020

On June 11, 2020, Resolution No. 29/2020 (“RES 29”) of the Chilean Economic Development Agency (“CORFO”), which approved the regulations that will govern the “Green Credit” program, was published in the Official Gazette. The RES 29 aims to endorse the investment in renewable energy projects during the economic contingency arising post Covid-19. ( ...

PLMJ | March 2020

On 17 March, the Energy Services Regulator (“ERSE”) approved Regulation 255-A/2020 and it was published in the official gazette, Diário da República, on 18 March 2020 ...

PLMJ | March 2020

In some areas, intellectual property will experience a period of slowdown in activity, at least in the near future. We look at this in more detail below. However, this does not mean mandatory registration of industrial property will come to a halt because, with many bodies, including the Portuguese INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property), registration is done online ...

PLMJ | March 2020

In some areas, intellectual property will experience a period of slowdown in activity, at least in the near future. We look at this in more detail below. However, this does not mean mandatory registration of industrial property will come to a halt because, with many bodies, including the Portuguese INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property), registration is done online ...

PLMJ | March 2020

A global public health emergency was declared by the World Health Organization on 30 January 2020 as a result of the spread of the new virus COVID-19. The virus was later classified as a pandemic on 11 March 2020. As a result, it is important guard against any negative impact of the events relating to COVID-19 on ongoing energy licensing processes and on the energy market as a whole, particularly in the light of Decree-Law 172/2006 of23 August (“DL 172/2006”) ...

PLMJ | April 2020

INFARMED and the DGS have published a set of guidelines for manufacturers and wholesale distributors of medicinal products for human use. The aim of these guidelines is to ensure supply to the domestic market and, at the same time, to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and protect the employees of these operators ...

ALRUD Law Firm | February 2024

The year 2023 was marked by the further strengthening of control over transactions involving the sale of Russian assets owned by “unfriendly” foreign entities, as well as over Russian strategic companies. As for antimonopoly regulation, after several years of discussions and revisions, the fifth antimonopoly package was adopted, and a number of precedent-setting cases were considered. Please see below for more details about the key developments and highlights of 2023. 1 ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | March 2021

(Antelope Valley Groundwater Cases, JCCP No. 4408 (3/16/21))[1] After twenty-two years, the protracted proceedings in the Antelope Valley groundwater adjudication resulted in a settlement and court-approved "physical solution." A physical solution equitably allocates available water under California's laws governing water rights. The physical solution in Antelope Valley limited pumping to balance the overdrafted aquifer with the available native safe yield ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | September 2017

Earlier this year the Borgarting Court of Appeal rendered its judgment in Gassled, a case of major importance for the upstream Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) industry, natural gas buyers in Europe; and the Norwegian government, as resource owner and NCS regulator. If the judgment becomes final and binding, it will benefit the European gas supply. However, it may be a rude awakening for institutional investors in NCS infrastructure ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | December 2014

On December 2, 2014, the Yukon Supreme Court struck down the Yukon government’s Peel watershed regional land use plan because of the government’s failure to follow the process for developing that plan under final agreements (modern treaties) with the Na-Cho Nyak Dun, Tr’ondek Hwech’in and Vuntut Gwichin First Nations ...
