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Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | December 2007

A federal district court judge in Pennsylvania ruled that first-party property claims for damages due to  defective stucco arose from a single occurrence and, upon determining the date of loss, held that the coverage claims were barred by the insurance contract’s two-year suit limitations period. Smith, et al. v. Westfield Insurance Co., No. 06-3077; 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 87431 (E.D. Pa. November 27, 2007) Case Background ...

PLMJ | December 2007

 1. On 31 December 2008, Law 67-A/2007, of 31 December, which enacted the 2008 State Budget, was published. In this booklet, we will discuss the main changes that will take place in our tax laws as a result of this Law, with effect from 1 January 2008.  A) PERSONAL INCOME TAX (IRS) i) Capital income – IRS Category E 2 ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | January 2008

The Florida Supreme Court has held that defective work performed by a subcontractor that damages a general contractor’s completed work constitutes “property damage” caused by an “occurrence” under a commercial general liability (CGL) policy. U.S. Fire Ins. Co. v. J.S.U.B., Inc., No. SC05-1295 (Fla. Dec. 20, 2007) ...

Waller | January 2008

The Bush Administration and House leaders Democrat Nancy Pelosi and Republican John Boehner reached an agreement on January 24, 2008 regarding a stimulus package. This stimulus package includes tax relief targeted at both businesses and individuals. As discussed below, the Senate may well have additional individual and business provisions before legislation is passed ...

Commercial properties groups across Europe are being forced to wait longer to refinance their debts as lenders tighten their belts in the wake of the credit crunch, it has been reported ...

PLMJ | February 2008

1. Last Friday saw the publication of Decree-Law 13/2008, of 18 January, which extended the tax regime applicable to companies that register to carry on business in the Madeira Free Trade Zone between 1st January 2007 and 31st December 2013 ...

Dykema | February 2008

Dykema attorneys were recently involved in an interesting infrastructure project finance transaction relating to the rehabilitation of a portion of the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Dykema represented the lender in this transaction. To complete the transaction, a fairly unusual structure had to evolve ...

PLMJ | February 2008

Several legislative instruments on VAT issues were published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 20 February, amending the rules for determining the place where services are supplied for the purposes of VAT: - the general rule will be reversed and services will now be taxed in the place of consumption  as  opposed  to  where  the  supplier  has  its establishment ...

PLMJ | March 2008

1. The long-awaited duty requiring users or promoters of operations and transactions whose sole or principal objective is to obtain tax benefits to communicate such operations or transactions to the tax authorities has finally become law in Decree-Law 29/2008 of 25 February. 2. Due to its excessively wide nature, however, the new antiabuse measure raises some very serious doubts ...

SMS Buenos Aires | March 2008

ARGENTINE TAX SYSTEMPOLITICAL CONFIGURATIONThe Republic of Argentina has three levels of Government (Jurisdictions): Nation, Provinces and Municipalities.The government system of the Nation and the Provinces has three powers: The Executive that deals with the Administration, the Legislative in charge of passing the Laws, and the Judiciary responsible for the Administration of Justice ...

Delphi | March 2008

Firstly the act now expressly states that planning and building shall promote good economic growth and effective competition. This change is a clear signal from the legislator that municipalities must not only take into consideration the social and ecological effects in their planning but also the development of commerce and the provision of commercial service ...

Delphi | March 2008

Several major changes to the PRC’s Tax Law have come into effect since 1 January 2008. These include the unification of the income tax treatment of all enterprises (foreign and domestic as well as joint-venture companies), resumption of the previous 20 % withholding tax on outgoing dividends to be paid by foreign investment companies to their foreign parent companies, lower effective income tax rates and introduction of the concept of “resident enterprises” ...

PLMJ | March 2008

1. Last Friday saw the publication of Decree-Law 13/2008, of 18  January,  which  extended  the  tax  regime  applicable  to companies that register to carry on business in the Madeira Free Trade Zone between 1st January 2007 and 31st December 2013 ...

PLMJ | April 2008

1. The recently published Decree-Law 55/2008 of 26 March has set out the regulatory provisions necessary for  implementing incentive measures for the speedier recovery of areas in Portugal that suffer most from typical inland regional problems, as provided for in the Tax Benefits Statute (EBF) ...

Polenak Law Firm | June 2008

The real estate market in Macedonia has been in a state of transition for the last two decades. This period brought the country from a situation in which such investment was seen as a duty primarily fulfilled by State bodies, institutions and enterprises to one in which the sector was left virtually entirely to the private sector ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | June 2008

A. INTRODUCTIONThe development of transportation infrastructure in the Lower Mainland depends on expropriation of private property ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2008

As if employers and contractors needed reminding, two recent decisions emphasise the importance of having a contract in place as soon as possible, and the dangers of starting work on a letter of intent ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2008

Product liability insurance is often offered as an alternative to professional indemnity insurance by sub-contractors but is it really an alternative? The two forms of insurance have some fundamental differences. Professional indemnity insurance covers claims arising out of the professional activities of design consultants, sub-contractors or the contractor ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2008

Throughout the industry press, the topic of conversation at networking breakfasts, you can’t escape the doom and gloom of the global credit crunch. But what does this really mean for the industry? First and foremost, it means that risk will increase. There is more chance of a party experiencing cash flow difficulties, or even going bust. There will be less work around, resulting in keener prices and greater competition ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2008

Earlier this month the European Commission closed an investigation into a development in the German City of Flensburg.  On the facts which the Commission eventually established it decided to close its file and take no further action, but it is the background which is interesting and provides a pointer to what best practice should be – particularly now that the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 have been in force for a number of years ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2008

Several years ago the Municipal Council in Alexandroupolis invited tenders for a contract to carry out a project in respect of a town plan.  Using the appropriate procedure the Council issued a contract notice identifying the award criteria in order of priority (as was required by the relevant rules) ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2008

Japanese knotweed is an extremely invasive plant which is capable of damaging property and can grow through concrete or even the floors of houses.    It is difficult to eradicate and its disposal is considered to be "controlled waste" for the purposes of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.   Knotweed will often be apparent on inspection but this will not necessarily always be the case. A fragment of root as small as 0 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2008

The Crossrail Act 2008 (the “Act”) received Royal Assent on 22 July 2008.   The Act authorises the works necessary to build Crossrail and the acquisition of land and interests in land necessary for those works.   In addition, the Act establishes a planning and heritage regime for the works ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2008

The Government has announced a new scheme to supplement the existing HomeBuy scheme. The new scheme, known as "Rent to HomeBuy", will allow potential buyers to rent a property for a specified period at a less than market rent, with the option to buy a share of the property at the end of that period.  The Government hopes that the new scheme will enable more tenants to buy their own home ...

Dykema | September 2008

Part I of a III Part Primer: An Introduction This newsletter is the first of a three part report prepared for our public finance clients with respect to “public private partnerships.” Also known as “PPP” or “P3” projects, there is an increasing amount of press regarding these projects, some of which is contradictory and some of which is just plain confusing ...
