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Afridi & Angell | June 2023

Over the past few years, the United Arab Emirates has witnessed an increase in awareness and significance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. While businesses in the UAE have begun to acknowledge that conscious efforts towards ESG compliance is imperative for growth and longevity of their business, the question remains whether ESG compliance can truly be said to now form a part of the UAE compliance ecosystem ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2023

After a rollercoaster of a ride, the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill has received Royal Assent and is now an Act of Parliament. From the initial proposal of an all-singing, all-dancing automatic revocation of thousands of retained EU laws by the end of this year, to a more restrained revocation of just under 600 irrelevant or redundant laws, the Bill will not deliver the big bang that it initially promised ...

Carey | July 2023

On June 14, 2023, the National Congress approved the bill that creates the Biodiversity and Protected Areas Service and the National System of Protected Areas (the "Bill"). The purpose of the Bill is the conservation of biological diversity and the protection of the national natural heritage through the preservation, restoration and sustainable use of genes, species, and ecosystems ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2023

Michelle Craven-Faulkner, Partner and Rail Sector Lead participated in a roundtable in Birmingham last month hosted by Insider Media Limited, which was focused on the challenges, obstacles and opportunities supply chains face when looking at how manufacturing is adapting and innovating to bring forward the green revolution in transport. Michelle joined a team of experts and leading players from the mobility sector covering rail, automotive and aerospace ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2023

UK REACH (Registration, Authorisation, Evaluation and Restriction of Chemicals) is the UK’s post-Brexit chemicals regulatory framework for the Great Britain (GB) market. It is regulated by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and has the overall aim of ensuring the protection of human health and the environment from the use of chemicals. UK REACH places responsibility for understanding and managing the risks associated with the use of chemicals on those who place them on the market (i.e ...

Carey | July 2023

On July 13, 2023, Law No. 21,586 was enacted. This law amends Law No. 21,435 to extend the term to fulfill certain requirements set forth therein, and also amends the Water Code to introduce an administrative procedure to clarify and complete titles of water rights (“WR”). Amendments to Law No ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | July 2023

On July 3, 2023, Ohio’s biennial budget bill[1] was signed into law by Governor Mike DeWine. In addition to major budget provisions, the bill also includes notable changes to Ohio’s Medical Marijuana Control Program (“MMCP”), the state program that regulates and licenses cultivators, processors, testing laboratories, dispensaries and medical marijuana cardholders. Beginning January 1, 2024, the MMCP will be under new management ...

MinterEllison | July 2023

Australia's Federal Court finds in favour of Nine newspapers against Ben Roberts-Smith. The judgement is a win for investigative journalism and the public’s right to know. Defence was lead by Peter Bartlett, MinterEllison.   Nine newspapers’ victory in the Ben Roberts Smith vs Nine defamation case strengthens a core principle of journalism, and key tenant of democracy, which is the public’s right to know ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2023

Property owners in the UK are already feeling the pinch, with a slowdown in activity coupled with economic factors, including high inflation and interest rates - causing a further tightening in the lending market. The Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) regulatory regime is another cause for searching behind the sofa cushions for coppers in order to upgrade, update and 'green' existing assets ...

Carey | August 2023

On August 7th, 2023, President Gabriel Boric enacted the Law that systematizes Economic Crimes and Attempts against the Environment, and, among other modifications, expands the criminal liability of legal entities (“Law”). Consequently, the Law will come into force and will apply to all acts committed from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette ...

Hydrogen is seen by many as the fuel of the future, a substance that can provide heat through combustion, or electrical power from fuel cells, emitting only water in the process. Its potential usefulness, specifically its ability to replace fossil fuels without generating greenhouse gases, makes it the poster child for clean energy.  There are various ways of producing hydrogen, but currently most of it is done in the most cost-efficient way, by steam reforming ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2023

The new biodiversity net gain (BNG) requirements are set to come into force from November 2023. This will legally mandate securing a minimum 10 per cent biodiversity net gain from new commercial and residential developments in England, with a few exceptions. While the requirements - part of the Environment Act 2021 – will have financial and operational implications, the real estate industry has had several years to prepare for BNG ...

With the objective of reducing the effects of climate change and guaranteeing access to energy in different latitudes, the figure of Energy Communities has been developed. These are legal organizations made up of a variety of partners that may include individuals, associations, small and medium-sized companies, government entities, among others. Climate change is a real existential threat that requires concrete and decisive action ...

Carey | September 2023

According to Supreme Decree 12 dated June 8, 2020, issued by the Ministry of Environment ("DS 12/2020"), on September 16, 2023, collection and recovery goals and ancillary obligations for producers of containers and packaging (the "Producers") within the context of Law 20,920 ("EPR Law") will become enforceable. DS 12/2020 establishes, among others, the following obligations for the Producers: Register in the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register, and provide the information requested ...

Carey | September 2023

On August 28, 2023, Supreme Decree No. 61 (the "Regulation") was published in the Official Gazette, which approves the regulation of Law No. 21,349 on "Composition, Labeling and Marketing of Fertilizers and Biostimulants" (the "Law"). Content of the Regulation In general terms, the Regulation covers the following matters: Classification of fertilizers, biostimulants and blends, establishing requirements by class. Composition, quality parameters and labeling. Sampling and analysis ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2023

Amendments to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 will add to the existing responsibilities of Responsible Persons under the Order which were expanded earlier this year by The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022[1]. Who is the Responsible Person? Under the Fire Safety Order, the Responsible Person is the person who has control of the premises ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2023

The Manchester Crown Court made an order confiscating a landlord’s rent under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 for breaching a planning enforcement notice. Manchester’s Curry Mile is home to one of the largest concentrations of Asian eateries in the UK. Until recently, the Mile had also been the home of ‘Dubai Café’ ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2023

Season 2 of the Journey Through a Contract series – let’s talk Definitions and Interpretation! Definitions and interpretation – often the first clause in a contract that you will encounter, but not necessarily the easiest one to start with when you are trying to understand your contractual obligations and rights ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | October 2023

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Lavery Lawyers | October 2023

A patent landscape provides a bird?s-eye view of the patenting activity related to a specific technology. It can be an invaluable tool for your organization as the analysis of patent data reveals business, scientific and technological trends. Indeed, many industries increasingly rely on patent landscapes to provides a basis for understanding innovation activity in their field ...
