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ENSafrica | March 2020

  In a press release today, 17 March 2020, the Department of Employment and Labour (the “Department”)  appealed to employers to use the prescriptions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 in governing workplaces in relation to Covid-19, also known as the Coronavirus. The Department has implored employers to prepare themselves and their employees as far in advance as possible for potentially worsening outbreak conditions ...

ENSafrica | April 2018

Two recent European IP decisions are a welcome reminder of that much-overlooked area of IP law: registered designs. If patent protection is primarily about functionality, design protection is primarily about product appearance (more on this later). These European cases are worth discussing because there are very few court decisions on registered designs in South Africa. They are also worth discussing because they highlight two fundamental aspects of design law ...

AELEX | December 2020

Over the past few weeks, the Central Bank of Nigeria (“CBN”) has issued circulars amending and clarifying the procedure for receipt of diaspora remittances (“the Circulars”) in Nigeria ...

AELEX | January 2021

In December 2020, the Central Bank of Nigeria (“CBN”) issued series of circulars in furtherance of its new policy on diaspora remittances ...

ENSafrica | October 2022

In Ismail v Life Entabeni Hospital, the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (“CCMA”) had to decide whether an employee had been unfairly discriminated against on the basis of her religion as a result of the employer’s “bare below the elbow” policy (“BBE policy”) which did not permit the wearing of long sleeves by those employees working in general wards and the ICU ...

ENSafrica | August 2018

In a previous ENSight, we discussed the decision of the Labour Court in Mtati v KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd. In this case, it was decided that employees may not be disciplined if they have resigned “with immediate effect”. The resignation is regarded as terminating the contract of employment immediately and the consequence is that the employer is denied the opportunity to pursue disciplinary action against the employee. A subsequent dismissal will be null and void ...

ENSafrica | August 2019

  Dishonesty in the workplace can take various forms, including theft of the employer’s property (or that of fellow employees), fraudulent conduct, such as submitting incorrect time sheets, lying to managers and other unethical conduct ...

ENSafrica | August 2019

On 12 June 2019, the Tax Court of South Africa delivered its judgment in ABC (Pty) Ltd v C:SARS (case no. 14287). The court was tasked with determining the application and interpretation of South African double taxation agreements (“DTAs”) entered into with the State of Kuwait (the “SA-KW DTA”), the Kingdom of the Netherlands (the “SA-NL Protocol”), and the Kingdom of Sweden (the “SA-SE Protocol”) ...

ENSafrica | October 2017

Section 64E(1) of the South African Income Tax Act, 1962 (the “Act”) provides that dividends tax must be levied at a rate of 20% of the amount of any dividend paid by any company, other than a headquarter company. In terms of section 64EA(a) of the Act, the beneficial owner of a cash dividend is liable for dividends tax in respect of that dividend. However, in terms of section 64F(1), a cash dividend is exempt from dividends tax in various instances ...

ENSafrica | February 2020

The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission reported that between 2011 and 2018, a total of 2 867 South African companies initiated business rescue proceedings in terms of Chapter 6 of the Companies Act, 2008 (the “Companies Act”), with South African Airways SOC Limited (“SAA”) being the latest addition to this list ...

ENSafrica | June 2014

Section 3(e)(i) of the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act (the Act) provides that agricultural land shall not be sold or advertised unless the Minister has consented to it in writing. There are currently conflicting judgements as to whether this provision applies to an option to purchase agricultural land ...

ENSafrica | July 2014

Section 3(e)(i) of the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act (the Act) provides that agricultural land shall not be sold or advertised unless the Minister has consented to it in writing. There are currently conflicting judgements as to whether this provision applies to an option to purchase agricultural land ...

ENSafrica | September 2012

Readers familiar with South Africa’s associated ship arrest provisions will recall that in terms of sections 3(6) and (7) of the Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Act No. 105 of 1983, a ship, other than the one in respect of which the relevant maritime claim arose, may be arrested to enforce the claim or to obtain security for it ...

ENSafrica | February 2017

Does a change of the terms of a share constitute a new “date of issue” for purposes of section 8E of the Income Tax Act? In terms of section 8E of the South African Income Tax Act, 1962 (the “Act”), dividends received by or accrued to a person in respect of certain shares and “equity instruments”, as defined, must be deemed in relation to that person to be an amount of income if that share or equity instrument constitutes a “hybrid equity instru

AELEX | May 2021

Recently, several African startups have been making positive impact in their communities leading to a number ofcountriesenactingor planning to establish a Startup Act. In this article, our Oluwapelumi Omoniyi examines the benefits of a Startup legislation and considers if Nigeria’s nascent startup ecosystem needs a startup Act ...

ENSafrica | December 2017

The past year has seen a number of high-profile instances of employees resigning, allegedly to avoid disciplinary proceedings against them. This issue was dealt with in the case of Mtati v KPMG Services (Pty) Limited.The employee in this matter was informed by her employer that an investigation was being conducted into allegations of misconduct levelled against her. She then provided her employer with a letter in which she tendered her notice of resignation ...

ENSafrica | August 2019

Section 187(1)(c) of the South African Labour Relations Act, 1995 (“LRA”) has always been controversial because of the interplay between the definition of automatically unfair dismissals, employers’ rights to terminate contracts of employment on the basis of operational requirements and the institution of collective bargaining ...

ENSafrica | July 2019

Section 187(1)(c) of the South African Labour Relations Act, 1995 (“LRA”) has always been controversial because of the interplay between the definition of automatically unfair dismissals, employers’ rights to terminate contracts of employment on the basis of operational requirements and the institution of collective bargaining ...

ENSafrica | April 2018

The relationship between the periods set for pursuing unfair dismissal claims in terms of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (“LRA”), and the prescription periods set in the Prescription Act, 1969 (“PA”) has been the subject of some confusion and debate. At the heart of the debate is the interpretation and application of section 16(1) of the PA ...

ENSafrica | June 2018

With intellectual property (“IP”), the focus is often on protection (generally in the form of registration) and enforcement, which often takes the form of an infringement action. Yet, there is also always a great deal of transactional activity taking place in respect of IP assets. This activity tends to fly under the radar, but two recent deals have made the news. These deals are examples of two of the most common IP transactions: licences and sales ...

ENSafrica | January 2016

On 11 December 2015, shortly before the holiday season began, the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services published an amendment to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Regulations (“the regulations”) in the Government Gazette. The amendment states that Internet domain names registered in the,, and are open to alternative dispute resolution under the regulations ...

ENSafrica | March 2018

By its own very high standards, Real Madrid is not having the greatest of soccer seasons, although it has, at least, triumphed in a recent domain name case.The decision in the case of Real Madrid Club de Futbol v Jose Delfim Mendosa de Vasconelos was handed down by panelist Eduardo Machado on 24 January 2018. The issue in the case was straightforward: an individual in Brazil registered the domain name ...

ENSafrica | June 2013

Domain names and trade marks are inextricably linked. The reason for this is simple – when a company needs to decide on a name at which it wants people to find it on the Internet, it generally opts for one of its own trade marks. As a result, the issues that crop up in trade mark disputes often crop up in domain name disputes too ...

ENSafrica | May 2019

  Most employers are familiar with the principle of “no work, no pay” in the context of strike action, but what about the concept of “work, pay, extra pay”? Can employers incentivise or reward non-striking employees who pick up the slack? This question was recently considered by the Labour Court inNational Union of Mineworkers obo Members v Cullinan Diamond Mine A Division of Petra Diamond (Pty) Ltd ...

ENSafrica | May 2019

  Donald Trump comes up in our articles from time to time, as does the issue of bad faith. Both come up in this one. In a recent case in the UK, a company called Trump International, which is owned by a German by the name of Michael Gleissner, filed applications to register the trade mark Trump TV in the communications and entertainment categories (classes 38 and 41). The US President, via a rights management company, opposed these applications ...
