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Carey | February 2022

Background On February 4, 2022, Law No. 21.420 was enacted, which reduces or eliminates the indicated tax exemptions thereof. This law seeks the financing of the new Guaranteed Universal Pension (PGU) in a sustainable way over time, including a series of amendments to the Mining Code, among others. Modifications Exploration Mining Concession The duration of the concession is increased from 2 to 4 years, eliminating the possibility of requesting an extension ...

Carey | August 2023

Chile’s Ministry of Public Works (MOP) announced 11 new projects that will be constructed throughout the country. This announcement is the first call for public works tenders since the beginning of President Boric’s term in office. The portfolio of concessions planned for 2023 calls for investments totaling USD 5.8 billion. Concessions included in the portfolio: New Route 5 in the Santiago-Los Vilos section - USD 1 ...

Carey | May 2023

On May 15, 2023, the Chilean Congress approved the Bill that systematizes Economic Crimes and Attempts against the Environment (the "Bill"). Thus, the Bill was sent to the President of the Republic for its enactment into law, subject to the preventive control to be carried out by the Constitutional Court ...

Carey | December 2023

On December 12th, 2023, the Chamber of Deputies approved in the second constitutional procedure the bill that "Establishes a Framework Law on Cybersecurity and Critical Information Infrastructure" (the "Bill"). On the same date, the Bill was sent to the Senate and advanced to the third constitutional stage, with all the amendments of the reviewing chamber being approved ...

Carey | December 2023

On Monday 04 de December, Decree No. 164/2023 from the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security was published in the Official Gazette, approving the National Cybersecurity Policy that will be in force during the period 2023 - 2028, replacing the previous Policy, published on January 28, 2017, which was in effect between that same year and 2022 ...

Carey | June 2021

On June 9, 2021, the National Electric Coordinator (“CEN”) opened a public consultation process on  a draft Internal Procedure (the "IP") that will provide the criteria applicable to the Open Access Regime established in Articles 79° and 80° of the General Law of Electric Services ("LGSE"), as a result of the entry into force of the Regulation on Transmission Systems and Transmission Planning (the "Regulation") ...

Carey | June 2020

The National Energy Commission (“NEC”) issued on May 29, 2020 the Exempt Resolution No. 176 (“NEC ER 176”) that determines the scope on the exclusive business purpose and separate accountings of energy distribution companies, for the provision of the energy distribution public service according to what was set in Law No. 21,194. The NEC ER 176 was published in the Official Gazette on June 9, 2020 ...

Carey | March 2020

As a result of the health alert decreed by the Ministry of Health and the subsequent declaration of a state of Constitutional Exception of Catastrophe in Chile, due to public calamity, several bills have been presented, which affect the criminal process, among others, bulletins N° 13.343-07 and 13.358-07. I. Bill that Establishes a Legal Regime of Exception On March 24th, 2020, the President of the Republic submitted a bill to the Chamber of Deputies, Bulletin No ...

Carey | April 2020

On April 6, 2020, Law No. 21,227 came into force, allowing access to unemployment insurance benefits under Law No. 19,728, in exceptional circumstances. This law, in its Article 14, Title III "Final Provisions", provides for a new criminal offense consisting of fraudulently obtaining supplements, benefits and / or profits due to the pandemic caused by Covid-19 ...

Carey | June 2022

On June 20th, 2022, Law No. 21,459 (hereinafter, the "New Law") was enacted, repealing the Law No. 19,223 (which regulated the former cybercrime offenses), and including several new rules to adapt our legislation to the Cybercrime Convention of the European Council, known as the "Budapest Convention", and to the necessities of a modern society ...

Carey | December 2017

Earlier this year, Decree No. 1 of the Ministry of Health (herein, the "Decree") was published on the Official Gazette. The Decree sets forth the graphic characteristics of the message for the promotion of healthy life habits that must be included in the advertisement of foodstuff products established in Article 5 of Law No. 20,606 -those that qualify as "High in" one or more critical nutrients- made through mass communication ...

Carey | February 2016

On January 1, 2016 Law No. 20,848 which sets forth a new legal framework for foreign direct investment in Chile (the “New Law”) was enacted. The New Law also regulates the effects of contracts entered into during the term of Decree Law No. 600 of 1974 (“DL 600”), in order to guarantee the full validity of the rights and duties acquired by foreign investors under said legal regime ...

Carey | May 2023

On May 9th, 2023, Law No.21,565 of the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity was published in the Official Gazette, which establishes a regime of protection and integral reparation for victims of femicide and femicide suicide and their families. The objective of this law is the creation and strengthening of effective and necessary actions by the State for the attention and integral reparation of the damage of the victims of femicide and femicide suicide ...

Carey | July 2020

On July 2nd, the Ministry of Health published Decree No. 21 of 2020, amending Decree No. 4 of 2020, which declared sanitary alert in the country ...

Carey | January 2023

On January 4, 2023, Law 21.521, which promotes competition and financial inclusion through innovation and technology in the provision of financial services, known as the "Fintech Law” was published in the Chilean Official Gazette ...

Carey | June 2016

Recently the “guideline for the supervision and regulation of the nutritional composition of foodstuff and its advertisement (“the guideline”) was published by the Undersecretary of Health.The guideline´s main objective is to, “guide the process of supervision and regulation of foodstuff”, taking into consideration the upcoming implementation of Decree No. 13 (June 27, 2016), which modifies the Health Regulations for Food Products ...

Carey | May 2021

By means of Resolution No. 375 , dated May 3, 2021, the Ministry of the Environment has instructed a new information request for producers of priority products, in the context of Law No. 20,920 on Waste Management, Extended Producer Responsibility and Recycling Promotion ( "EPR Law") ...

Carey | June 2020

According to the announcements of the authority in recent days, the new instructions for movement permits (hereinafter “Instructions”) were published on June 12, which will be effective as of Monday, June 15 at 05:00 am. The main modifications introduced by this new version of the instructions are the following: 1. Types of collective permits ...

Carey | March 2020

SERNAC issued the new version of the Interpretative Guideline on the scope and content of compliance plans in regulations regarding the protection of consumer rights. This, with the purpose that companies can develop their compliance plans, strengthening their compliance culture in Chile. Amongst the main advantages of said plans are acting as attenuation of liability for companies that have infringed the consumer protection regulations ...

Carey | July 2016

On June 25th, 2016, Law No. 20,930 that establishes the environmental conservation right was published in the Official Gazzette. The purpose of this law is to create a mechanism to simplify and promote the participation of private parties in the conservation of the environment, as a complement to the work done by the State in these matters. This right has its origin in Comparative Law ...

Carey | April 2020

On April 3rd, 2020, a new Law that amends Law No. 19,983, which regulates the transfer and grants direct enforceability to the copy of invoices, on certain aspects that were recently amended by Law No. 21,131 on 30-days payment, was enacted . The most relevant modifications introduced by this Law aim to benefit small sized businesses (micro, small and medium sized businesses as per defined in Law No ...

Carey | May 2022

On March 15th, 2022, the new law of Guarantees and Integral Protection of Children and Adolescents came into force. The law establishes a guarantee and protection statute that makes possible the enjoyment and effective exercise of the rights of children and adolescents with emphasis on the human rights recognized by the Constitution, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international treaties ratified by Chile and in local legislation ...

Carey | April 2020

On April 3rd, 2020, Law No.21,218 (the “Law”), which creates a monthly subsidy (the “Subsidy”) borne by the State of Chile, in order for employees to reach a minimum guaranteed income, was published on the Official Gazette.   I. Requirements that employees must fulfill in order to be eligible for the Subsidy Having a valid employment contract, pursuant to the Labor Code. Their regular working schedule must exceed 30 hours a week ...

Carey | July 2023

On June 15, 2023, Law No. 21,577 (hereinafter, the "New Law") was enacted, which strengthens the prosecution of organized crime offenses, establishes special techniques for their investigation, and reinforces the confiscation of profits. The New Law modernizes the current criminal offenses related to organized crime and, at the same time, incorporates and improves the specialized techniques of investigation ...

Carey | April 2022

On April 12, 2022, Law No. 21,440 was published in the Official Gazette, which modifies Law Decree No. 3,063 (Municipal Income Law), creating a new regime applicable to donations in favor of non-profit legal entities, which contemplates certain tax benefits. This new regime will be complementary to those contained in special regulations regarding donations ...
