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LCS & Partners | August 2017

Design of the Models Taiwan law provides for two models for private parties to participate in governmental infrastructure projects. One is the model under the Government Procurement Act (“GPA Model”) and the other is the Public-Private Partnerships Law (“PPP Model”). The most significant difference between the two models lies in the funding entity ...

Kudun and Partners | July 2022

Kudun and Partners represented two high-net-worth Thai individuals on their acquisition of approximately 61% shares in Nation Broadcasting Corporation Public Company Limited from Nation Group (Thailand) Public Company Limited for a total value of THB 898 million. The acquisition of the shares by the buyer will allow Nation Group (Thailand) PCL. to become debt-free ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | July 2020

China has become the largest emerging market economy and the second largest economy in the world. As a result, many Chinese companies have elected to access the U.S. capital markets for their financing needs. As of June 2020, there are over 200 China-based issuers listed on U.S. exchanges with a collective market capitalization of over $1.15 trillion. With the rising geopolitical tensions between China and the U.S ...

MinterEllison | March 2014

In one of the few decisions of its kind, the UK High Court recently assessed the damages to be paid to a generic pharmaceutical company under a cross-undertaking in damages. While some aspects of the decision are specific to the UK pharmaceutical reimbursement scheme, the judgment will be a useful reference point for parties involved in similar litigation in Australia ...

Deacons | February 2021

The recent judgment from the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom on Halliburton Company v Chubb Bermuda Insurance Ltd [2020] UKSC 48, raised important questions about the requirement that there can not only be no actual bias, but also no apparent bias on the part of arbitrators in favour of or against any party in arbitration and also about the obligation of arbitrators in international arbitrations to make disclosure of multiple appointments concerning the same or overlapping subje

Deacons | September 2021

In Triple Point Technology Inc v PTT Public Company Ltd [2021] UKSC 29, the principal issue before the Court was the approach to be adopted when interpreting a liquidated damages clause in a contract i.e. a clause providing for a pre-determined sum agreed upon in the event of a specified breach by one of the parties ...

Deacons | February 2021

A recent UK Supreme Court Judgment, the Financial Conduct Authority v Arch Insurance (UK Ltd) & Ors [2021] UKSC 1, clarified whether a variety of insurance policy wordings cover business interruption losses resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and public health measures taken by UK authorities in response to the pandemic from March 2020 ...

Deacons | April 2006

The UK's Financial Services Authority (FSA) has issued a Feedback Statement on its discussion paper DP05/4 "Hedge funds: A discussion of risk and regulatory engagement" and has urged firms to focus on the risks posed by side letters "which will remain an area of supervisory focus". Side letters have become a common feature for institutional investors investing in hedge funds with the result that such investors receive preferential treatment and more information than other investors ...

Deacons | September 2006

In the recent Feedback Statement (FS06/2) from the UK's Financial Services Authority (FSA) to its Discussion Paper entitled "Hedge funds: A discussion of risk and regulatory engagement", the FSA identified the use of side letters as an area of concern where a market failure may be present, thus potentially requiring regulatory intervention by the FSA ...

DFDL | October 2016

By way of -providing guidelines for implementing the Tax Law No.106/2016/QH13 (Law 106) effective from 1 July 2016, the government has issued Decree 100/2016/ND-CP (Decree 100) on 1 July 2016 and the Ministry of Finance has issued Official Letter 10315/BTC-TCT dated 25 July 2016 (OL 10315) and Circular 130/2016/TT-BTC dated 12 August 2016 (Circular 130) ...

MinterEllison | May 2020

Many employers have been considering workforce changes to address the economic downturn and cash flow issues caused by COVID-19. Yesterday's announcement by the Federal Government about wage subsidies (known as 'JobKeeper Payments') has been welcomed by employers and unions, and should be closely considered by employers before implementing any changes. It has been reported that 8,000 businesses lodged an application for the subsidy in the 50 minutes that followed the announcement ...

Union budget 2022-2023 Expectations Overview The economy of the resurgent India is expecting a road map with the upcoming Union Budget 2022-23. The Budget speech is likely to pen down new reforms and policies that helps the economy to maintain a sustained growth rate. Accomplishing this shall rather be dependent on the ability and the capacity to locate additional revenue sources by striking a balancing of the expenses ...

    Union budget 2022-2023 Expectations   Overview The economy of the resurgent India is expecting a road map with the upcoming Union Budget 2022-23. The Budget speech is likely to pen down new reforms and policies that helps the economy to maintain a sustained growth rate ...

GLIMPSES OF UNION BUDGET 2022 With the economy riding on the twin waves of rapid economic growth and increased tax collections, the Union Budget for 2022-23 was presented by the Hon’ble Finance Minister on February 1, 2022. A wide gamut policy and tax matters were outlined by the Minister in her speech, many of which found its way into the Finance Bill. We have put together the key takeaways for direct tax and indirect tax from the Union Budget. Trust this would be helpful ...

Deacons | October 2021

Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) held two virtual briefing sessions in October 2021 and provided useful guidance on its newest climate-related risk management requirements for fund managers, as detailed in the Consultation Conclusions on the Management and Disclosure of Climate-related Risks by Fund Managers (with amendments to the Fund Manager Code of Conduct (FMCC)) and the Circular issued on 20 August 2021 ...

Deacons | June 2012

On 20 June 2012, the Court of First Instance (in proceedings brought by the Securities and Futures Commission ("SFC")) ordered Hontex International Holdings Company Ltd ("Hontex") to make a repurchase offer to about 7,700 investors who had subscribed for Hontex shares in the initial public offering in December 2009 or purchased them in the secondary market during the 3 months after its shares were listed (by then the present action was taken by the SFC) ...

DFDL | February 2023

The Ministry of Immigration and Population of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar has issued a notice that updates the application process to extend eBusiness Visas for foreigners working for companies or engaging in business in Myanmar. All such applications must be submitted in the name of a company that is duly incorporated and registered at the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (“DICA”) and must have the signature of the director of the registered company ...

Kudun and Partners | March 2023

In January 2023, Thailand’s Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) hosted several public hearings to gather feedback from the public on the proposed draft regulations for digital assets business operation in Thailand, including, among others, Public Hearing No. AorNorDor ...

Makarim & Taira S. | August 2022

Under Government Regulation 71 of 2019 on the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions, Electronic System Organizers (“ESO”) are required to be registered with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (“MOCI”). In addition, under MOCI Regulation 5 of 2020 (as amended by MOCI Regulation 10 of 2021), this registration obligation must be complied with within 6 months of OSS-RBA licensing coming into effect ...

Makarim & Taira S. | September 2022

Bank Indonesia recently updated its regulation on domestic non-deliverable forward (DNDF) transactions. Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 24/7/PBI/2022 on Foreign Exchange Market Transactions (“BI Reg. 24/7/2022”) replaces the previous regulation on DNDF, BI Regulation No. 20/10/PBI/2018 (as amended). BI Reg. 24/7/2022 makes some noteworthy amendments on the DNDF terms and introduces new thresholds and provisions on DNDF transactions ...

SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan's new website went live on 1 March 2013. As a result, previously sent links to downloadable publications are no longer accessible. Below are a few updated links: Client Alert: SEC requires tax identification number for foreign investorsLegal Bulletin: Technology, Media & Telecoms (Jan ...

Makarim & Taira S. | August 2018

  Earlier this year, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (the “MEMR”) issued Regulation Number 10 of 2018 on The Second Amendment to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 10 of 2017 on the Principles of Power Purchase Agreements (“MEMR Reg 10/2018”) which came into effect on 13 February 2018 ...

Makarim & Taira S. | August 2022

The Ministry of Public Works and Housing (“MPW”) has issued the Circular Letter No. 21/SE/M/2021 on The Procedures for Fulfillment of the Business License Requirements, the Implementation of Construction Work Competence Certification, and the Implementation of Business Entity Certificates and Construction Work Competence Certificates (“Circular Letter”) ...

LCS & Partners | May 2023

Introduction Last week, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) announced that American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) had concluded the negotiation of the first trade agreement under the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade.1 This is the first bilateral trade agreement since the promulgation of the Taiwan Relations Act in 1979 ...

Deacons | July 2005

In the United States, a federal judge approved on 10 May 2005 of the plan of United Airlines (“UA”) to terminate four employees’ defined-benefit pension plans and the pension responsibility are shifted to and assumed by the government’s pension insurer, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (“PBGC”). The decision will have a great impact on pension obligations to 120,000 current and former employees of UA and could have far-reaching implications for the pensions industry worldwide ...
