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Shearn Delamore & Co. | February 2021

Dear valued clients, colleagues and business partners, You are invited to join a remarkable panel of speakers who will discuss some of the latest trends in online infringement related to Covid-19 pandemic and best practices for developing a sound brand protection strategy for your intellectual property ...

MinterEllison | March 2010

Schemes of arrangement continue to be a popular method of structuring friendly takeovers. Schemes are also a conventional mechanism for accomplishing internal reconstructions such as demergers, demutualisations and changing the principal listing or jurisdiction of incorporation of a company (so-called 're-domicile' schemes). Given the prevalence of schemes in the Australian market, it is timely to consider the impact of recent reforms proposed for schemes ...

Deacons | February 2021

Hong Kong will soon allow re-domiciliation of existing offshore funds through amendments to the Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO) for open-ended fund companies (OFCs) and the Limited Partnership Fund Ordinance (LPFO) for limited partnership funds (LPFs) ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | June 2021

Shipping & Transport, MalaysiaFactsApplicable legal principlesPlaintiff's argumentDefendant's argumentDecisionCommentThis article examines the basis for an order for a sale pendente lite of a vessel that was arrested by a sheriff in in remadmiralty proceedings as security for the plaintiff's claim.(1) FactsOn 19 November 2017 the defendant's vessel, Shi Pu 1, collided with the plaintiff's bulk vessel, Winning Loyalty ...

It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of incredulity. Blazing yellow sun. Lapping blue waves. Tanned beach bods and a palm tree’s silhouette swaying against an orange sky. Once ubiquitous, the California Fitness logo that hints at its fabulous lifestyle offering has vanished from Singapore. In its heyday “Cali”, as its legions of fans called it, was not merely a gym, it was a status symbol ...

TSMP Law Corporation | September 2019

A rose, said Shakespeare, by any other name would smell as sweet. But while the Bard may know his flowers, he clearly was no expert on branding Apples.   Rodrigo Duterte, the Filipino president, would like to change his country’s moniker “because the Philippines is named after King Phillip”. He appears to be eager to distance his nation from its colonial past, the said monarch being a 16th century ruler of Spain ...

Following the creation of the Department of Migrant Workers ("DMW") pursuant to Republic Act No. 11641, or the Department of Migrant Workers Act ("RA 11641"), the Department of Labor and Employment ("DOLE") and the DMW issuedJoint Circular No. 01, series of 2022 (the "Joint Circular"),on July 7, 2022, to facilitate and ensure the efficient and effective implementation of RA 11641 ...

TSMP Law Corporation | August 2020

How Wirecard skirted regulatory scrutiny by jurisdiction-shopping and canny intra-group structuring. It would have been the quintessential business success story. Founded in Munich in 1999, this small payment processor for online gambling and pornography sites grew so massive that, by 2018, it had displaced Commerzbank from Germany’s prestigious Dax 30 index. At its peak, the juggernaut was valued at more than €24 billion (S$38.6 billion) ...

MinterEllison | August 2016

Earlier this year, we released our inaugural cyber survey report, Perspectives on Cyber Risk (the Report), intended to provide insight into Australian organisations' cyber risk posture and cyber resilience capability.Perhaps one of the more surprising findings in the Report was that surveyed organisations did not appear to be overly concerned about the risk of regulatory action flowing from a cyber breach ...

Deacons | August 2021

It is not uncommon to have a multi-tiered dispute resolution clause in construction and commercial contracts, setting out the agreed mechanism in the event that a dispute arises between the parties. For example, parties may be required under such clause to first attempt settlement by negotiating in good faith, before going on to mediation if the negotiation fails, and finally proceeding to arbitration if mediation also fails ...

Whither Advance Ruling under Income tax law? ‘Prevention is better than cure’ is an adage that applies equally to litigation - specially to tax litigation. Towards this end and based on several committee reports starting from Wanchoo Committee (1971) to Choksi Committee (1978) and Raja Chelliah Committee (1993), the Government eventually introduced a mechanism for advance rulings by inserting a new Chapter XIX-B in Income Tax Act 1961 (the Act) ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | August 2018

IN THIS ARTICLE PARVATHY DEVI RAJA MOORTHY LOOKS AT THE IMPORTANCE OF ASCERTAINING THE IDENTITY OF THE EMPLOYER WHEN LODGING A COMPLAINT OF UNFAIR DISMISSAL ESPECIALLY IN SECONDMENT CASES.   Introduction The correct identification of an employer is essential in the lodging of an unfair dismissal complaint pursuant tosection 20of theIndustrial Relations Act 1967where the relationship between the employee and the company is unclear ...

TSMP Law Corporation | March 2020

New anti-harassment law in time for new virus panic. The COVID-19 crisis that began in Wuhan, China, brings to mind earlier epidemics. In 2003, we were in the grip of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars). It was the first pandemic in the era of the Internet, blogging and social media. Amid the panic about infections, one individual was widely labelled a “super spreader”. Her name and personal details were published ...

MinterEllison | September 2011

Adopting a related party transactions policy, with supporting protocols and procedures, will help to identify and deal with related party transactions within the corporation.  Ultimately, this will reduce the risk of breaching the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) or ASX Listing Rules (if relevant) and will protect shareholders' interests ...

Kudun and Partners | August 2020

Thailand’s two-decade long growth of the renewable energy sector has been pivotal in the pursuit of Thailand 4.0, but has the coronavirus outbreak thwarted these plans? COVID-19 has forced many of the world’s most exciting economies into a full or partial shutdown, suspending their plans for development. Thailand is no exception ...

Japan has a history of investment and joint ventures in India. Foreign direct investment from Japan increased to USD35 billion between 2000-2020, with USD10 billion worth of inbound mergers and acquisitions in 2015-2020 alone. Factors including geopolitical realignments in Asia, excess global liquidity and a new, incentive-based manufacturing regime in India mean that the economic relationship between India and Japan in high-value manufacturing is likely to expand further ...

MinterEllison | June 2010

A new feature of the civil justice reform system came into effect on 1 January 2010, nine months into the revamp. Steven Yip and James Yeung report that the introduction of mediation, as prescribed by Practice Direction 31 ('PD 31'), is expected to have a profound impact on the way parties conduct cases ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | January 2021

BackgroundSection 466(1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016 (“CA 2016”) provides that a company is deemed unable to pay its debts if it is indebted in a sum exceeding an amount prescribed and neglects to pay the sums stipulated in the notice of demand within 21 days of being served with the said notice.Through the issuance of the Prescription of Amount of Indebtedness of Company published on 26 January 2017 (“2017 Threshold Order”), this amount was fixed at RM10,000 ...

SyCipLaw Partner Leslie C. Dy participated in the World Bank Group’s Women, Business and the Law 2016: Getting to Equal. The 2016 edition, the fourth in the series, continues to cover and collect data about legal restrictions on women’s entrepreneurship and employment. The series aims to inform policy discussions and promote research on linkages between the law and women’s economic opportunities ...

Kudun and Partners | January 2024

Navigating the complexities of work permits and labour laws in a foreign country can be a daunting task for expatriates and international companies. With Thailand being a popular destination for foreign workers, understanding its specific legal requirements is crucial. This article aims to provide a guide by simplifying and explaining the essential aspects of work permits andThailand Labour Law, providing a reliable resource for expatriates, international companies, and HR departments ...

Doing Business 2018: Reforming to Create Jobs, a World Bank Group flagship publication, is the 15th in a series of annual reports measuring the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Doing Business presents quantitative indicators on business regulations and the protection of property rights that can be compared across 190 economies—from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe—and over time ...

SyCipLaw Partners Rose Marie M. King-Dominguez and Franco Aristotle G. Larcina, with support from Senior Associate Ruben P. Acebedo II, participated in the World Bank Group’s Enabling the Business of Agriculture 2016: Comparing regulatory good practices. The report examines regulations that impact private enterprise in the agriculture and agribusiness sectors ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | March 2016

Revenue legislation and administration: The Federal Constitution provides that tax shall only be levied by or under authority of federal law. This means the general body of tax law is to be found in tax statutes, supplemented by other legislative instruments such as subsidiary legislation and ministerial orders ...

Kudun and Partners | February 2020

Thailand’s future is set to be more connected, technologically advanced and economically prosperous than ever. This being driven by one development in particular: the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) ...
