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Carey Olsen | October 2023

Examples of ESG investments include investments in businesses such as wind farms and solar power initiatives, or in companies that meet the investor’s ESG value criteria (for example, because they have in place policies to address climate change or to ensure ethical supply chain sourcing) ...

Carey Olsen | November 2022

The benefits of Guernsey as a fund domicile Guernsey is one of the world's largest offshore finance centres with a thriving funds industry. Guernsey’s experience in private equity dates back to the early 1980s when the private equity industry was in its infancy, since then Guernsey has grown to become a leading jurisdiction for the formation and administration of private equity funds ...

Carey Olsen | September 2022

In Butler-Sloss and Ors v Charity Commission for England and Wales and Anor,[1] the England and Wales High Court (the Court) blessed the charity trustees’ decision to adopt investment policies that restricted investments to those aligned with the charities’ purposes, thereby excluding many potential investments. In so doing, the Court provided clarification regarding Harries v Church Commissioners for England ...

Carey Olsen | November 2022

The benefits of Guernsey as a fund domicile. Guernsey is one of the world’s largest offshore finance centres, with a thriving funds industry. Over 1,400 investment funds and sub-funds are currently administered in the island. The value of funds under management and administration in Guernsey as at the end of June 2021 is US$533 billion (up 24.4% in 12 months), based on the most recent available data published in The 27th annual Monterey Insight Guernsey Fund Report ...

Carey Olsen | January 2023

This briefing sets out the key requirements of PIPA and the steps that your organisation can take to prepare for its implementation.   PIPA coming into force PIPA was enacted in 2016 to regulate the use of personal information in Bermuda by individuals, companies, public authorities and other organisations ...

Carey Olsen | May 2023

The IDP is valid for 10 years (unless extended) and the States are required by law to keep it under review. The DPA was about to embark on a review in 2020 but this was put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year, the States approved an action to carry out a targeted review of the IDP between 2023 and 2025. The review The review commenced on 25 January 2023, and it focuses on amending certain policies to meet government priorities ...

Carey Olsen | July 2021

In summary, this note includes information in relation to: the UK REIT regime; advantages of using a Jersey company as the REIT vehicle; TISE listing process and listing document requirements; TISE’s continuing obligations requirements; and Carey Olsen and our REIT experience. We trust that the above will be of assistance ...

Carey Olsen | September 2023

Contents Please click on the links below to jump to the revelant section: Overview Non-Resident Directors Resident Non-Executive Directors How to Register – Step-by-Step Overview Earlier this year, we published a summary of the recent changes to the scope of Jersey’s proceeds of crime and anti-money laundering (AML/CFT) legislation which were intended to align Jersey’s regime more closely with Financial Action Task Force Recommendations (see Recent ch

Carey Olsen | October 2022

With this continued interest, a number of Singapore are managers using Jersey as the jurisdiction in which to domicile their funds. This choice is driven by several factors. Singapore tax treatment of digital assets. Digital assets do not fall within the definition of a “designated investment” for the purposes of Singapore tax legislation. This means that a Singapore domiciled fund will be subject to tax in the country, and such tax leakage is hugely unattractive to investors ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

Contents Legal and Enforcement Framework Blockchain Market Cryptocurrencies Smart Contracts Data and Privacy Cybersecurity Intellectual Property Trends and Predictions Tips and Traps Legal and Enforcement Framework   What general regulatory regimes and issues should blockchain developers consider when building the governance framework for the operation of blockchain/distributed ledger technology protocols? As a matter of policy, Jersey has chosen not to regulate

Carey Olsen | September 2022

One of the main rationales for using a cash box structure is that equity securities issued by PLC are issued for a non-cash consideration so that the statutory pre-emption provisions set out in the UK Companies Act 2006 do not apply. The issue can therefore take place without the timing implications of seeking shareholder approval to disapply the pre-emption rights or conducting a pre-emptive issue ...

Carey Olsen | July 2021

Contents Please click on the links below to jump to the relevant section: Legislation Relevant entities Relevant activities Tax residence requirements Guidance General requirements Directed and managed Core-income generating activities (CIGA) Premises Employees and personnel Expenditure Enhanced requirements Reduced requirements Outsourcing Enforcement authorities Reporting formalities Demonstrating compliance Penalties Recent developments Legal framework Legisl

Carey Olsen | April 2023

Approval process  The Jersey Financial Services Commission (“JFSC”) does not need to review the fund structure, documentation or the promoter. Instead the fund administrator certifies to the JFSC that the fund complies with the EF Guide and once the certification and the fund’s offer document are filed the JFSC aims for a 3 day turnaround on the application for approval ...

Carey Olsen | December 2023

Jersey fast-track procedure to obtain Jersey grant In order to obtain a Jersey Grant, we will require the following: The original or a Court sealed and certified copy of the British Grant and Will (if the deceased left a Will). If sending copy documents, please do ensure that both the Will and Grant are separately certified by the Court that issued the original and that each page bears the Court’s seal. A certified copy of the death certificate ...

Carey Olsen | May 2022

We have extensive experience in assisting both established and emerging fund management companies relocate part or all of their business to Jersey. We are legal advisers to five of the largest hedge fund managers with offshore headquarters: BlueCrest, Brevan Howard, Systematica, Rokos and Autonomy, a clear reflection of the high regard in which our practice is held ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

Limited partnerships  Limited partnerships (“LPs”) are now the favoured vehicles for closed-ended private equity funds and can be established in three ways:  “Traditional” Jersey LPs (“JLPs”), which are similar to English LPs, are established under the Limited Partnerships (Jersey) Law 1994 ...

Carey Olsen | November 2022

Limited partnerships changes The Limited Partnerships (Amendment No.2) (Jersey) Law 2022 came into force on 12 August 2022. The amendments made pursuant to the law are a modernisation of the Limited Partnership (Jersey) Law 1994, providing clarification and enhancement in certain key areas ...

Carey Olsen | December 2023

Jersey investment funds update - Q4 2023 FSJL - Changes to investment business On 31 October 2023, two amendments to the definition of “investment business” (as set out in article 2(2) of the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998 (“FSJL”)) came into force. The amendments have been discussed extensively over the last few years via numerous consultations with industry ...

Carey Olsen | March 2024

Jersey investment funds update Q1 2024 Jersey Financial Services Commission updates and news Supervisory Risk Data Collection The Jersey Financial Services Commission ("JFSC") launched its annual Supervisory Risk Data Collection ("SRDC") exercise on 5 February, the results of which are used by the JFSC to inform its approach for risk-based supervision and its financial crime examination process and, in aggregated form, to refresh its risk model and national risk assessments ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

The Limited Partnerships (Jersey) Law 1994 (the “Law”) governs Jersey limited partnerships. A limited partnership seeks to combine the flexibility and “tax transparency” offered by a partnership structure with the benefits, for limited partners, of limited liability offered by a company ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

Approval process  Listed Funds are established on certification by the fund administrator that the fund complies with the criteria set out in the LF Guide. The Jersey Financial Services Commission (“JFSC”) issues the relevant certificate on receipt of the certification and the fund’s offer document. As a result, a Listed Fund can be established in Jersey within 3 days ...

Carey Olsen | February 2024

Jersey Litigation Guide 2024 (Chambers) Contents General Litigation funding Initiating a lawsuit Pre-trial proceedings Discovery Injunctive relief Trials and hearings Settlement Damages and judgment Appeal Costs Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Arbitration Outlook General General Characteristics of the Legal System Jersey is one of the relatively few jurisdictions that have a “mixed” legal system ...

Carey Olsen | January 2023

CONTENTS  General Litigation funding Initiating a lawsuit Pre-trial proceedings Discovery Injunctive relief Trials and hearings Settlement Damages and judgment Appeal Costs Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Arbitration Outlook and COVID-19   GENERAL   General Characteristics of the Legal System Jersey is one of the relatively few jurisdictions that have a “mixed” legal system ...

Carey Olsen | January 2023

Case summary: C v D [2022] JRC205 The case involved an application by C for a declaration that her marriage to D was void ab initio. D, the Respondent, argued that the Court could not make a finding of nullity in the circumstances of the case.   Background C and D married in October 2017 at the Office of the Superintendent Registrar in St Helier. C had a history of mental health difficulties and had received significant support and interventions from Adult Social Services ...

Carey Olsen | November 2023

Contents  Contents  Legal framework Security Restructuring Insolvency Cross-border/Groups Liability risk The COVID-19 pandemic Other Trends and predictions Tips and traps  Legal framework What domestic legislation governs restructuring and insolvency matters in your jurisdiction? The main legislation governing restructuring and insolvency matters in Jersey is: the Bankruptcy (Désastre) (Jersey) Law 1990 (the "Bankruptcy Law"); and the Companies (Jersey
