ICASA extends deadline for comments on Broadband Mobile Services Inquiry Discussion Document

January, 2020 - Cape Town, South Africa

In December 2019, we reported on the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa’s (“ICASA’s”) publication of the Discussion Document on the Mobile Broadband Services Inquiry in South Africa. Following requests for an extension, ICASA has now agreed to allow an additional 15 working days for written submissions, extending the deadline from 6 February 2020 to 27 February 2020.

The purpose of the inquiry is to assess the state of competition and determine whether or not there are markets or market segments within the mobile broadband services value chain that may warrant regulation in the context of a market review in terms of the Electronic Communications Act, 2005. The discussion document, which is informed by information and data received from licensees, sets out ICASA’s preliminary views on the definition of relevant mobile broadband services markets and the effectiveness of competition within these relevant markets. The discussion document further identifies licensees that may have significant market power in the identified markets, and proposes pro-competitive remedies. The discussion document is accessible here or on ICASA’s website.

The discussion document and the comments received will be used by ICASA to publish its draft regulations.

All communications relating to the inquiry must be directed to the Chairperson: Mobile Broadband Service Inquiry by email: marketinquiry2018@icasa.org.za.

For more information or assistance in submitting comments on the inquiry, please contact:

Wilmari Strachan
Executive Technology, media and telecommunications
+27 82 926 8751
