ALRUD included in the World Trademark Review 1000 rating

February, 2019 - Moscow, Russia

<p><code></code></p> <p>The World Trademark Review (WTR), an independent information service covering trademark issues, published the WTR-1000 rating on February 6, 2019. Directory included ALRUD into the <a href="">top Russian firms</a> providing legal services in the trademark practice area.</p> <p>According to the review formed from the comprehensive analysis of the trademark market, ALRUD adheres to a pragmatic approach and offers solutions legally correct and commercially safe. World Trademark Review experts also appreciated the productive way of business communication, comfortable for both clients and lawyers.</p> <p>The WTR review focuses on the partner’s Maria Ostashenko contribution to the trademark practice development. Experts mentioned, “the grit” of Maria Ostashenko and “creative genius to build up portfolios brick by brick”, along with her initiative attitude and attention to the details.</p> <p>After analyzing the ALRUD practice in the framework of the Russian trademarks experience, World Trademark Review experts assigned the company a bronze level (Band 3) in the areas of “Enforcement and litigation” and “Prosecution and strategy”.</p> <p>The annual WTR 1000 rating covers the trademark service firms’ activities and identifies the leading market players in 70 key jurisdictions for nine years. The <a href="">World Trademark Review</a> information service also provides daily news and articles on global and local trends.</p>
