China Business Law Journal recognized ALRUD deal as The Deal of The Year 2018

February, 2019 - Moscow, Russia

<p>The recognition was received by the China National Gold Group transaction - acquisition of majority stake in Klyuchevskoye Gold Deposit in Russia (gold deposit of federal importance).</p> <p>China National Gold Group Corporation (CNGG) is the leading Chinese state-owned corporation, involved in the mining and processing of gold, silver, copper and molybdenum.</p> <p>ALRUD team guided by Andrey Zharskiy, Partner heading Energy, natural resources and infrastructure Practice, advised CNGG on Russian Law issues. Our advice included completed due diligence of the target companies. ALRUD also supported CNGG with the structuring of the acquisition deal, clarifying issues with FAS, and negotiation of the SPA (share purchase agreement) and SHA (shareholder agreement), including provisions related to further financing of the development of the mine. In addition, ALRUD team advised the Client on regulatory and licensing issues related to exploration and production of gold. With the support of ALRUD as Russian Law advisor and DeHeng Law Offices – as a Chinese, the transaction led to the signing of an intergovernmental agreement between Russian Federation and China. This is a strategically important project that will contribute to the development of the Zabaykalsky Krai by attracting multi-million investments and creating thousands of new jobs.</p> <p>For more information, please, <a href="">click here</a>.</p>
