Sergey Petrachkov on XII ABA Conference on the Resolution of CIS-Related Business Disputes

September, 2020 - Moscow, Russia

<p>XII ABA Conference on the Resolution of CIS-Related Business Disputes was held in online format on September, 17.</p> <p><a href="" title="Sergey Petrachko">Sergey Petrachko</a>, ALRUD Partner, heading Dispute Resolution and Restructuring and Insolvency Practices, moderated the sessions 'Arbitration clauses and insolvency proceedings.'</p> <p>The American Bar Association’s (ABA) XII annual conference on resolution of CIS-related business disputes is organised by the Arbitration Association. The conference traditionally brings together trial and corporate lawyers, experts in arbitration, judges, and science and business representatives to discuss current challenges to the resolution of business disputes in the CIS.</p>
