ALRUD Partner on IBA "Mergers and Acquisitions in Russia and CIS" Conference

November, 2018 - Moscow, Russia

<p>Annual IBA 'Mergers and Acquisitions in Russia and CIS' Conference was held in Moscow on November 16<sup>th</sup>. The Conference is presented by the IBA Corporate and M&A Law Committee and co-chaired by ALRUD Senior Partner <em>Vassily Rudomino</em>. Now in its 10th year, this leading conference once again brought together practitioners fr om around the globe to discuss the latest emerging developments and hot topics in Russian and CIS M&A law as well as hosting input and commentary fr om some of the world’s leading experts in the field.</p> <p>ALRUD Partner heading Corporate / M&A Practice, <em>Alexander Zharskiy</em>, moderated one of the sessions “Tax structuring issues in JV and M&A deals – new trends and developments”. During the Session leading advisors and business representatives discussed the following topics:</p> <ul> <li>Offshore versus Onshore structures in M&A deals: new tax realities.</li> <li>To purchase and restructure: tax restructuring aspects of the acquired group of companies.</li> <li>Change of law enforcement practice after closing: seller’s or buyer’s risk?</li> <li>Tax if there’s no tax: how to pay taxes with an offshore structure?</li> <li>What changes are required: new tax regulations to facilitate M&A deals.</li> </ul> <p><em>Sergey Petrachkov</em>, ALRUD Partner, head of Dispute Resolution Practice participated as a speaker in fifth session, traditionally devoted to M&A disputes in arbitration and litigation. The Session was held in a format of a mock case, where Russian and foreign counsel discussed the pros and cons of applying Russian law (as opposed to English law) in M&A transactions, as well as various dispute resolution options available to parties of M&A transactions.</p> <p>More than 80 specialists from Russia and abroad, including lawyers in private practice, in-house counsel, investment bankers, accountants and specialists from mergers and acquisitions business.<br /> <img src="/upload/medialibrary/bd6/2AK_2780.jpg" alt="2AK_2780.jpg" title="2AK_2780.jpg" /></p> <p><img src="/upload/medialibrary/420/2AK_2695.jpg" alt="2AK_2695.jpg" title="2AK_2695.jpg" /><img src="/upload/medialibrary/661/2AK_2699.jpg" alt="2AK_2699.jpg" title="2AK_2699.jpg" /><img src="/upload/medialibrary/67b/2AK_2214.jpg" alt="2AK_2214.jpg" title="2AK_2214.jpg" /><img src="/upload/medialibrary/5f5/2AK_2149.jpg" alt="2AK_2149.jpg" title="2AK_2149.jpg" /></p>
