Cost Cutting Measures in the Taiwan Workplace During the Pandemic

November, 2021 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dear valued clients, colleagues and friends,

Our Employment and Administrative Law partner, Raymond Low, who is the regional leader, Next Gen for Asia Pacific and Asia Pacific Member Engagement Committee of the Employment Law Alliance (“ELA”), was moderator on the ELA podcast series — Employment Matters on “Cost Cutting Measures in the Taiwan Workplace During the Pandemic”.

In this podcast, Raymond and guest speaker Elizabeth Pai, partner of Lee, Tsai & Partners (Taiwan), discussed how businesses in Taiwan are dealing with a reduced budget due to the COVID-19 pandemic and delved into the different measures that can be taken to reduce costs and expenses.

Click here to listen to the podcast.

Raymond Low
Employment & Administrative Law
Personal Data Protection & Privacy Laws
T: +603 2027 2839
