SMS Latinoamérica grows in Brazil with the incorporation of Grupo IRKO

November, 2021 - Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Brazilian professional services firm joins the international network of independent auditing, consulting and accounting firms that offers services in the region and the world.

SMS Latinoamérica, an organization of independent firms specialized in auditing, tax advice and consulting services for companies, announces the incorporation of Grupo IRKO, a professional services firm, as a Member Firm in Brasil.

For almost 65 years, IRKO has been offering a wide range of services in accounting, tax and labor advisory, consulting and auditing. The company has offices in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Campinas and a solid customer base – from small to large multinational companies.

“For us, joining SMS Latinoamérica is a privilege and a proof of the quality of the services that Grupo IRKO has been providing for more than six decades in Brazil. Now, in addition to the benefit of the knowledge shared with this network, we will also be able to offer our clients coverage throughout the region”, says Eduardo Luque, Managing Partner of IRKO.

“Increasing our presence in Brazil, a country of such importance in our region and in the world, together with a firm with such an important path and such a high reputation as Grupo IRKO, encourages us to continue the direction we started two decades ago, consolidating our commitment to provide the highest quality services to our partners and their clients, and helping them expand their projects and businesses on a global basis”, commented Pablo San Martín, President of SMS Latinoamérica.

Brazil is one of the 21 countries in which SMS Latinoamérica has a presence, bringing together more than 1800 professionals in the region.

About Grupo IRKO
With almost 65 years in the market, Grupo IRKO combines experience and innovation to offer a wide variety of services in the areas of advisory, consulting and accounting, tax and labor auditing. The company has a solid portfolio of clients, from small companies to large multinationals; and differentiates itself from the competition by its combination of highly specialized professional teams and personalized service.

About SMS
SMS Latinoamérica is an international organization whose member firms specialize in auditing, tax advice and consulting services for companies. Since 2008, it has been admitted as full member of the Forum of Firms, a committee that groups together the world's firms (under the supervision of IFAC) that operate under international auditing and quality control standards. SMS Latinoamérica has offices in 21 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, conforming an organization that brings together more than 1,800 professionals. More information: •
