Beccar Varela advises on Unitán’s first Notes Issuance.

December, 2022 - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buenos Aires, December 20th, 2022. On November 25th, Unitán S.A.I.C.A. issued its first Notes Issuance (“Series I Notes”) under CNV’s PYME Garantizada Regime (SME Guaranteed Regime), denominated in U.S. Dollars to be integrated and payable in Argentine Pesos, for a total nominal amount of US$1,842,758.

Series I Notes, maturing on November 25th, 2024, will not accrue interest and will amortize its principal in three payments structured as follows: the first payment at 18 months, and the second one at 21 months, both equivalent to 33% of the nominal value; the third payment will take place at 24 months, equivalent to the remaining 34% of the nominal value. The issue price was 108.27%.
The Notes were admitted for listing on Bolsas y Mercados Argentinos S.A. and authorized for trading at Mercado Abierto Electrónico S.A. They are also guaranteed by Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A.U., which also participated as organizer and placement agent.

All parties involved in this issuance turned to Beccar Varela’s team, led by partner Luciana Denegri, assisted by associates Julián Ojeda and María Belén Tschudy.
