ALRUD experts provided sophisticated support to an international company in connection with the suspension of operations in Russia

April, 2023 - Moscow, Russia

ALRUD team developed and implemented viable solution aiming at suspension of Russian operations of an international manufacturer and wholesaler of industrial goods for the wood-processing sector. The project was handled by an interdisciplinary team of lawyers, who, based on a strategic analysis of the rapidly changing circumstances, supported the client in a large-scale dismissal of employees, replacement of top management, restructuring of financial funds, termination of commercial contracts with counterparties and optimisation of the overall presence in Russia.

ALRUD employment practice experts defended the company in a conflict with an employee and represented the employer during an unscheduled inspection by the State Labour Inspectorate.

The project was run by Margarita Egiazarova, Senior Associate, PhD. Leading Partner - Andrey Zharsky, Partner, PhD in Law, Advocate in Russia, Solicitor in England and Wales. ALRUD team consisted of lawyers from the Labour Law, Data Protection & Cyber Security, Tax, Corporate and Commercial law practices.
