German Zakharov spoke at the event “Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. New in Presidential and Government Approvals”, organized by AEB

April, 2023 - Moscow, Russia

On April 26th, the event “Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. New in Presidential and Government Approvals” organized by Association of European Businesses was held.

German Zakharov, ALRUD Partner, participated in the event as a speaker and spoke on the topic “Risks and liability for violating countermeasures”.

Experts focused on update on regulatory and practical developments in Presidential and Government approvals and risks and liability for violating countermeasures, as well as OFAC view on exit tax.

This AEB’s event aims to inform member firms on the current sanctions and countermeasures, as the sanctions affect most of the business in Russia.

More information about the event can be found here.
