Registration for the annual HR conference “The Future of Human Resources: Beyond the Breaking Point” to be held on 14 March 2024 is now open

January, 2024 - Moscow, Russia

On 14 March 2024 the AEB Human Resources Committee will hold its annual HR Conference ”The Future of Human Resources: Beyond the Breaking Point”.

Margarita Egiazarova, PhD in Law, Senior Associate of ALRUD Labour Practice, will speak at the Labour Law Sub-Committee session on ”Practice of employment termination in an era of economic turmoil: changing trends in decisions of the higher Russian courts”.

AEB HR conference " The Future of Human Resources: Beyond the Breaking Point” will be focused on the practices applied by leading companies in the sectors of compensations & benefits, recruitment, assessment, training & development, and labour law.

The conference will include three parallel sessions hosted by the AEB Recruitment & Relocation Sub-Committee, Compensation & Benefits Sub-Committee, and Assessment, Training & Development and Sub-Committee, and also a session prepared by the AEB Labour Law Sub-Committee. The following topics will be discussed in the parallel sessions:

  • New reality in recruitment - new challenges and solutions

  • Supporting organizational transformation through the prism of talent assessment, learning and development

  • To be confirmed

You can register and request additional information from the organizer, Polina Skorovarova E:
