FUNDAMORGAN, Morgan & Morgan's Corporate Foundation, consolidates its strategy.

February, 2024 - Panama, Panama

With more than 20 years of an emblematic trajectory, FUNDAMORGAN has inaugurated its new offices in Marbella, Panama City. The new location intends to offer more comprehensive, accessible, and dignified attention to the people who participate in and benefit from its programs. FUNDAMORGAN is named in honor of the legacy of Don Eduardo Morgan Alvarez (1902-1988), who dedicated his life to community service, was a fighter for the dignity of the country, and, above all, a tireless defender of Law and Justice.

Today, FUNDAMORGAN works in two areas: ACCESS TO JUSTICE, through the "Community Legal Assistance Program," and CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION, executed mainly through the "Responsible Citizenship and Human Rights Program."

The Responsible Citizenship and Human Rights Program provides training in citizenship skills, democratic values, and human rights, promoting youth participation as agents of social change. This program is aimed at young people between 15 and 30 years old.

The main objective of the Community Legal Assistance Program since 2007 has been to provide guidance and legal representation free of professional fees to women survivors of domestic violence in Family Law and Criminal Law and reinforces its objective with the following complementary areas:

  • Prevention: Through talks and workshops on gender violence and Human Rights.
  • Alliances:With the public, private, and ONG sectors, cooperation agencies, and the media, we work in synergy to achieve a more significant impact.
  • Advocacy: To strengthen the regulatory framework and public policies and to bet on an institutional framework that better protects the rights of women and their families.

With these new facilities, we seek to advance towards providing a more integral services, complementing the legal attention we offer with training opportunities, income generation, and socio-emotional support for women survivors of domestic violence.

Since 2007, FUNDAMORGAN has:

  • Provided more than 8,500 legal orientations.
  • Attended more than 3,500 family and criminal law proceedings.
  • Trained more than 15,000 people trained in domestic violence and gender equity issues.

For more information, please visitwww.fundamorgan.orgor FUNDAMORGAN's Instagram and Facebook channels: FundamorganPA, or contact Marina Pérez De Cárdenas, Executive
