Kudun and Partners Celebrates Pride Month and Thailand’s Same-Sex Marriage Legalization

June, 2024 - Bangkok, Thailand

Kudun and Partners proudly celebrates Pride Month and Thailand’s landmark marriage equality bill, making the country the first in Southeast Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.

This legislative victory is a significant milestone in Thailand’s journey towards equality, reflecting growing public support and enhancing the country’s reputation as an LGBTQ-friendly destination. This is not merely a question of legal rights but a profound testament to our commitment to equality, love, and human dignity. Many who are in same-sex relationships are still fighting for the fundamental right to marry the person they love.

Kudun and Partners recognizes that the celebration of Pride Month extends beyond a single event or month. The firm’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, and support for the LGBTQ+ community remains a continuous effort, shaping its daily practices and initiatives.

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