Agnes Hammarstrand at Delphi appointed Lawyer of the year 2018 by colleagues - First woman - voted on by industry colleagues

May, 2018 - Stockholm, Sweden

A prestigious award in the commercial law market is awarded to Agnes Hammarstrand at Advokatfirman Delphi. According to a result published by Legally yours, lawyers throughout Sweden have voted Agnes Hammarstrand as the lawyer they would rather employ in a business jurisprudence. This is the first time a woman is ranked highest. It is also the youngest lawyer awarded so far.

Agnes Hammarstrand is a partner at Delphi's office in Gothenburg and leads a business group specialized in IT, e-commerce, digitization, data protection, consumer law and market law. Agnes is today known as one of the country's foremost lawyers in IT and digital issues. She has previously received the award "Client Choice Award", where corporate and corporate lawyers nominate the best lawyers.

Agnes Hammarstrand expresses her gratitude and appreciation of the award and send a special thanks to all who gave her their vote:

"The award means a lot to me personally, and is important to everyone at Delphi. We are working hard to develop Delphi and take the law firm into the future. This means, among other things, specialist competence in IT and digitalization and a modern approach in the counseling, something I particularly like. I think that one of the reasons that so many people voted for me are my and Delphi's commitment to equality - not least as it creates opportunities for retaining the best colleagues for the benefit of our clients. A first step towards change is awareness of the problems and the hidden structures and unconscious prejudices that exist. We at Delphi are working on this continuously. "

David Aversten, Executive Partner of Delphi, is pleased that the award went to Agnes Hammarstrand:

"I'm not surprised. Agnes Hammarstrand is very good and we are very happy for her sake. Agnes is driven, customer oriented and dedicated in her assignments. She is an appreciated colleague, which is confirmed by this award. Of course, we are particularly proud that Agnes was appointed the first woman in the attorney's lawyer. We congratulate Agnes on Delphi's behalf, "says David Aversten.

Read more of the ranking on Legally yours web page (article in Swedish):


Agnes Hammarstrand
Ph. +46 730 83 50 70

David Aversten
Managing Partner/Advokat
Ph. +46 70 25 25 19
