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Mamo TCV Advocates | September 2020

Law is an ever-evolving social construct and remains effective only insofar as it can be updated in a timely manner to keep up with real-life developments. The relevance of laws and their subject matter is always dictated by present-day realities and circumstances ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | January 2023

 Following the successful uptake of a similar initiative in 2022, the European Commission has re-launched its fund to support small and medium enterprises (“SMEs”) in safeguarding their intellectual property assets ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | July 2022

  Legal Notice 201 of 2022 has been published on the 13th July 2022 and will come into force on the 2nd August 2022. These regulations were enacted with the aim of transposing the EU Work-Life Balance Directive which was introduced and became part of EU law in August 2019. The main provisions of this legal notice are the following: 1 ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | October 2023

  Are you an influencer? Do you earn money or other benefits by creating content on social media? Influencers that are offered deals to advertise a brand’s products over social media platforms will qualify as traders and should thus disclose their adverts in a transparent manner. Over the coming weeks, the European Commission will be screening online posts to identify any sponsored posts uploaded to social media by influencers which could mislead consumers ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | September 2022

  While their advent was initially hailed as a revolution for the creative industries, non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”) appear to have lost significant steam over the past months with the Wall Street Journal reporting that NFT sales have dropped by 92% over September 2021 figures ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | August 2023

  The Maltese law transposing European Union Directive on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers, Directive (EU) 2020/1828 of the 25th of November 2020, came into force by means of Act XVII of 2023 on the 25th of June 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the “Representative Actions Act” or the “Act”) ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | November 2022

The Pre-Insolvency Bill (‘the Bill’) is at its second reading in Parliament. The Bill is being proposed as an Act to partially transpose EU Directive 2019/1023 (‘the Directive’) on preventive restructuring frameworks, on discharge of debt and disqualifications, and on measures to increase the efficiency of procedures concerning restructuring, insolvency and discharge of debt ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | November 2022

  The Insolvency Practitioners Bill (‘the Bill’) is at its second reading in Parliament. The Bill is intended to partially transpose EU Directive 2019/1023 (‘the Directive’) on preventive restructuring frameworks, on discharge of debt and disqualifications, and on measures to increase the efficiency of procedures concerning restructuring, insolvency and discharge of debt ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | December 2022

  The Insolvency Practitioners Act, the Pre-Insolvency Act and the Commercial Code (Amendment) Act were passed by the House of Representatives on the 14th of December 2022 and were assented to by the President on the 23rd of December 2022. For more information, please see our articles on the Proposed Pre-Insolvency Bill, on the Proposed Insolvency Practitioners Bill and on the three proposed Insolvency Bills, collectively ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | November 2022

 The agreement on a new EU-U.S. data privacy framework between EU Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen and U.S. President Joe Biden had already been announced on 25 March 2022 (for background, please refer to our previous article The EU-US Privacy Shield: Third Time’s a Charm? – Mamo TCV) ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | February 2023

  The MFSA commenced a consultation process on its proposed amendments to the Insurance Distribution Rules (hereinafter referred to as the “IDR”). The consultation process began on the 26th of January 2023 and closes on the 8th of March 2023 ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | February 2023

 The Malta Financial Services Authority (the “MFSA”) released a Circular on the 25th of January 2023 announcing important updates to the Trusts Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Register (“TUBOR”). With effect from the same date, the MFSA has also amended the FAQs relating to TUBOR ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | November 2022

 In conjunction with Malta Enterprise, Residency Malta Agency has launched a new residence programme for beneficiaries under the Malta Start-Up Residence Programme. Similar to the Nomad Residence Permit , the Malta Start-Up Residence Programme seeks to attract business-driven individuals to set up their new business venture in Malta ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | November 2023

  The Employment Agencies Regulations of 2023, which will come into force as from the 1st April 2024, introduce a new regime for regulating the services provided by employment agencies, which were, until now, largely unregulated. These Regulations target employment agencies that provide recruitment services, temporary work services and/or outsourcing services ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | October 2022

  On the 12th of July 2022, the Malta Financial Services Authority (the “MFSA”) issued a Consultation Document on the reporting of major ICT-related incidents with a consultation period expiring on the 5th of August 2022. The MFSA worked on introducing an updated major ICT-related incident reporting process that replaces the previous process that was communicated on the 25th of September 2019 entitled ‘Cybersecurity – Threat Mitigation’ ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | April 2021

In its recent decision Xuereb v Weber Construction Limited Et (decided 18 March 2021) the Civil Court (Commercial Section) weighed in once more on the appropriate tests to be applied when assessing a company's inability to pay its debts under Maltese corporate insolvency law ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | June 2022

  Basic as it may seem, the notification process is of fundamental importance when instituting a Court case. This process can at times be used to attack the validity of a judgement and hence, one will certainly understand the importance of getting it right. All this featured in a Court of Appeal judgement, delivered on the 4th of May 2022 in the names Farrugia nomine vs BNF Bank plc (App. Civ. 410/19/1) ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | August 2022

  On 23 February 2022, the EU Commission proposed measures regulating the use and access of data, not being ‘personal data’ as understood by the GDPR, within the European Union across all economic sectors. The regulation of the use of data is essential given that data continues to be generated yet underutilised. The draft Regulation is to be read in conjunction with the EU’s Data Governance Act ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | March 2023

On the 28th of February 2023, the European Data Protection Board (hereinafter referred to as the “EDPB”) issued its Opinion on the European Commission’s draft adequacy decision regarding the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | October 2023

  A share buyback essentially occurs when a company acquires some of its own shares through means other than by subscription. Such acquired shares are colloquially referred to as treasury shares and allow for flexibility with regards to the company’s capital structure since the sale thereof does not constitute an allotment or issue of shares and thus the restrictions imposed thereon do not apply ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | December 2023

  On the 1st of August 2023, Bill No. 63 entitled the Air Navigation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) was published in the Supplement to the Government Gazette. The proposed Act has reached the stage of the Third Reading and shall repeal the Civil Aviation (Air Operators’ Certificates) Act (Chapter 218 of the Laws of Malta), the Air Navigation Order (Subsidiary Legislation 499 ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | September 2022

  The action of unjustified enrichment, also known as the actio de in rem verso, dates back to Roman Law and despite the fact that it was formally included in the Maltese Civil Code in 2007 by means of Article 1028A, it has always been accepted by the Maltese Courts. The notions of equity and fairness serve as the foundation of this action. One should be compensated for the benefit gained by an individual without a just cause to the detriment of the former ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | October 2020

Constitutional Court, Gerald Camilleri et vs Advocate General et, 6th October 2020 The Maltese courts of Constitutional Jurisdiction were tasked with deciding a claim of violation of fundamental human rights as filed by the applicants, who had purchased a property in Sliema - in respect of which the provisions of the Housing (Decontrol) Ordinance, Chapter 158 of the Laws of Malta are applicable - and which the applicants knew was tenanted by third parties under a title of lease resulting from

Mamo TCV Advocates | October 2020

Constitutional Court, Gerald Camilleri et vs Advocate General et, 6th October 2020 The Maltese courts of Constitutional Jurisdiction were tasked with deciding a claim of violation of fundamental human rights as filed by the applicants, who had purchased a property in Sliema - in respect of which the provisions of the Housing (Decontrol) Ordinance, Chapter 158 of the Laws of Malta are applicable - and which the applicants knew was tenanted by third parties under a title of lease resulting from

Mamo TCV Advocates | June 2024

  A new set of regulations regulating the grant of a temporary emphyteutical concession to the emphyteuta, tenant or operator of Government-owned commercial property came into force on 4th June 2024 in virtue of Legal Notice 131 of 2024 (the “Regulations”) ...
