Lavery Lawyers

Legal Services | Quebec, Canada
tel: +819 346 5058 | fax: +819 346 5007
Cité du Parc 95 Jacques Cartier Blvd. South | Suite 200 | Sherbrooke | Quebec | J1J 2Z3 | Canada

Main Contacts

André Vautour




Lavery is a major full-service law firm of more than 200 lawyers and the leading independent law firm in Quebec. The firm provides a comprehensive range of legal services to regional, national and multinational corporations; financial institutions; and government departments, agencies, and Crown corporations. It also has an extensive practice in advising other Canadian and foreign law firms on matters of Quebec law.

Lavery has developed strong ties with law firms and other professional firms across Canada, the United States and worldwide, thereby enabling us to assist our clients to develop opportunities outside Quebec. The firm is a member of the World Services Group, a global non-profit association with membership by invitation only, consisting of large local, national and international professional services providers in over 115 countries.

Lawyers Worldwide: 318


Areas of Practice


Legal Counsel

Hubert  Pepin

Hubert Pepin



Katia  Bégin

Katia Bégin

Souad  Berrada

Souad Berrada

Michelle  Croteau

Michelle Croteau

Joanie  Hébert

Joanie Hébert

Notaire principale
Lysa  Laramée

Lysa Laramée

Johanne  Larochelle

Johanne Larochelle

Francis  Lavigne

Francis Lavigne

Senior Notary
Linda  Lupien

Linda Lupien

Marie-Jade  Marceau

Marie-Jade Marceau

Miriane  Paquin

Miriane Paquin

Katy  Pelletier

Katy Pelletier

Annie  Pouliot

Annie Pouliot

Marie-Andrée  Truchon

Marie-Andrée Truchon

Notaire principale
Kiran  Younas

Kiran Younas



Almost two years after the issuance of the Single-use Plastics Prohibition Regulations, where do we stand and how are businesses affected?

On December 20, 2022, the federal government's Single-Use Plastics Prohibition Regulations1 (the ?Regulations?) gradually came into force, with the effect, as the name suggests, of prohibiting (or restricting, in certain cases) the manufacture, import and sale of certain single-use plastics that pose a threat to the environment. In principle, it is now prohibited to manufacture, import and sell certain single-use plastic products made entirely or partially of plastic, such as foodservice ware, checkout bags and straws. On June 20, 2024, beverage ring carriers and flexible straws packaged with beverage containers will be added to this list.

Is the proposed amendment to the Competition Act to combat greenwashing really a step forward?

Greenwashing is a form of marketing that misrepresents a product, service or practice as having positive environmental effects,1 thereby misleading consumers and preventing them from making an informed purchasing decision.2 Several initiatives have been launched around the world to counter this practice. In California, a law requires business entities to disclose information in support of environmental claims...

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Lavery celebrates World Intellectual Property Day

This year, the World Intellectual Property Day theme is "Women and Intellectual Property: Accelerating innovation and creativity". Therefore, Lavery is pleased to recognize the contribution of a female inventor. Women face significant barriers in the patent and telecommunications sectors, where under-representation and gender bias are unfortunately common. In the field of patent application drafting, women represent only 12% of inventors, while in telecommunications, only a quarter of professional positions are held by women. In spite of this situation, pioneers like Lila Madour are making significant contributions to their fields, overcoming these challenges with determination and skill...

Lavery Assists Premier Parks LLC in the Purchase of Calypso-Valcartier Group’s Shares

Calypso-Valcartier Group recently announced the sale of all of the shares of its two amusement parks, Village Vacances Valcartier located near Quebec City and Calypso, near Ottawa, and more specifically of the shares of the two parks’ operating corporations and their asset holding corporations. The assets of the two parks are now indirectly owned by EPR Properties, and they are operated by a Canadian subsidiary of Premier Parks, LLC. Our partners, André Vautour and France Camille De Mers, and their team assisted Premier Parks LLC in the due diligence of the parks’ assets and operations...

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